apsolut supports organic honey farm Bienesto

On 1st August 2020, apsolut launched its first bee project. In cooperation with the organic beekeeping company Bienesto from Ulm, Germany, apsolut will secure the existence of around 500,000 bees in ten sustainably managed hives over the next two years.

The bee project is the first action of Green apsolut, a seven-member working group headed by apsolut manager Matthias Schneider. The working group aims to make the work of the consulting company with its 290 employees worldwide more environmentally conscious and to significantly reduce its ecological footprint. In addition to bees, the focus of the working group is on topics such as mobility, CO2 compensation, and waste reduction.

At the beginning of August, Green apsolut members Vanessa Frenzel, Jonas Vomstein, and Kim-Sarah Roling received the Bienesto certificates at the Bielefeld headquarters. A large box of organic Bienesto honey will follow in the course of the year. In addition to being delighted with the successful launch of the bee campaign, Matthias Schneider is keen to look further ahead: "This is a great start for Green apsolut and my special thanks go to Vanessa Frenzel, who has done the main work here. Now it’s time for us to take further steps towards becoming a climate-neutral consulting company. Our colleagues, customers, and business partners will definitely hear more news from the Green Group in the coming months!”

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

apsolut GmbH
Oelmühlenstraße 30
33604 Bielefeld
Telefon: +49 (521) 1639090

Jonas Vomstein
Marketing Referent
Telefon: +49 521 16390943
E-Mail: marketing_de@ap-solut.com
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