Mainova Frankfurt Marathon 2020 will not take place

Race director Jo Schindler explained: “Set against the hardship which this worldwide pandemic has inflicted on people, countries, institutions and business, the cancellation of a sports event is of minor significance. Sport, especially my beloved sport of running, is the most beautiful triviality in the world. But it should never be allowed to endanger life. We have not taken this step of cancellation lightly and have done our utmost to find solutions and alternatives. Now we have to face the cold reality that cancellation is inevitable.”
Alongside the main event, which was to have been the marathon, events held in conjunction – the Generali Relay Marathon, Mini-Marathon and the Kids Race – have also been cancelled. Participants have already been contacted and informed in detail about the cancellation and its consequences.
Last year the running classic beside the River Main set 27,052 runners in motion. This year the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon enjoyed great popularity – apart from uncertainty caused by the coronavirus – as a registration destination on the running scene with entries for the marathon up by more than 15%. A record total of participants was looming. Instead prospects turn to October 31st, 2021 when the 39th Mainova Frankfurt Marathon will take place.
The contact and operating regulations imposed by the State of Hessen because of the coronavirus greatly restrict the holding of major events before October 31st, 2020. They are not permitted unless the organizers can ensure social distancing, hygiene regulations and the personal contact data of all involved in the event. “In this respect this also means, for us, the spectators,” explains race director Jo Schindler. “Unfortunately, with the venue and timing we cannot guarantee with absolute certainty the wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of spectators along a route of 42.195 kilometers running right across Frankfurt.”
Markus Frank, City councilor and head of Frankfurt’s department of sport said: “The Mainova Frankfurt Marathon is one of the prime, major sports events of our city. Germany’s oldest city marathon is a top sports event as well as a highly popular destination for mass sport. The fact that we shall not experience the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon this year does not just deny runners a major target in the running calendar. The Frankfurt public, which can be relied upon each year to line the route in vast numbers and contribute to the atmosphere, will also miss this highlight of the running year.”
Preparations have already begun for October 31st, 2021. When the starting gun for the 39th edition is sounded, thousands of elite and mass runners will again be able to enjoy the spectacular run to the finish in the Festhalle with the acclaim of the spectators ringing in their ears.
“I am convinced that with a build-up of around 15 months we shall be able to meet the requirements of the State of Hesse,” said race director Schindler. “I and my team are looking forward greatly to the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon 2021.”
Frankfurt Marathon motion events GmbH
Sonnemannstr. 5
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 3700468-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 3700468-11