NIC-place interface to Sixfold enables controlled data sharing for carriers

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Kathmandu Nepal
Mittwoch, März 19, 2025
Transporeon, as one of the leading systems for the shipping industry, also offers a range of increasingly interconnected services related to the transport process. Their official announcement about the incorporation of Sixfold into their own group of companies to offer real-time visibility as a standard clearly shows the importance behind the asset data of the carriers for them.
Will the asset arrive in time for loading or unloading? Is the booked time slot realistically achievable? Which goods are loaded on the asset that are urgently needed? These are all challenges that Transporeon has been successfully addressing for its shipper customers for many years. The merger of Transporeon and Sixfold is therefore the logical consequence, especially since Sixfold is already a 100 percent subsidiary and, as an exclusive partner of Transporeon, addresses the desired visibility issues.
Carriers should not be afraid to support this process. However, they should approach the requirements carefully and critically. The analysis of transport behavior and efficiency can be used for various cases to improve multiple processes, but are all use cases really in the interest of the transport service provider?
By using various telematics systems, platforms and interfaces it is possible for carriers and LSPs to meet the requirements of the industry for data sharing of their GPS and other sensor values. However, the sharing needs be controllable. A simple connection of your telematics system is not helpful here, as all data of all assets of the entire fleet will be made visible 24/7.
NIC-place’s Data Control Center (DCC) offers users a secure alternative for providing data in a controlled manner and only during the course of the actual transport. The DCC makes it possible for every carrier, whether operating only with its own fleet or also utilizing various subcontractors, to provide the necessary data required by the customer. It doesn’t matter whether the request come from Transporeon/ Sixfold or other leading players in the European market, such as Siemens Digital, Lobster or Shippeo, who act similarly. With the DCC, users avoid releasing too many business-relevant processes, structures and networks, but still meet the shipper’s requirements quickly and professionally. As the central and self-administrable connectivity tool, it is responsible for handling all data sharing tasks – both inbound and outbound to other system integrations. It provides carriers and LSPs with full control and authority when it comes to the sharing of asset information needed in today’s highly digitized world.
The DCC is a solution by NIC-place. NIC-place provides software solutions to the transport and logistics industry in full alignment with today’s transportation visibility requirements. NIC-place is the market-leader in temperature controlled and high value transports as well as in rail logistics and has a deep and solid telematic knowledge.
NIC-place bietet Softwarelösungen für die Transport- und Logistikbranche, die ganzheitlich auf die gegenwärtigen Anforderungen an Transparenz im Transportwesen abgestimmt sind. Das Data Control Center von NIC-place bietet einen einzigartigen und völlig neuen Ansatz für das Teilen von Daten. Es ermöglicht den Kunden die Teilnahme am vernetzten Logistik-Ökosystem, während sie gleichzeitig die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes privates Carrier-Netzwerk behalten. NIC-place ist Marktführer im Bereich temperaturgeführter und high value Transporte sowie in der Schienenlogistik und ist bekannt für sein tiefes und solides Telematikwissen. Die Lösung wurde im Januar 2018 gelauncht, die Wurzeln gehen jedoch bereits auf die Gründung der kasasi GmbH im Jahr 2009 zurück.
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