Quantron AG is aiming for sales of 1.2 billion euro and is Europe’s only full-range supplier of complete electrified solutions, such as hydrogen and fuel cell systems

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Kathmandu Nepal
Montag, März 10, 2025
Quantron AG: Plans for the next five years
Viewed across all business units, Quantron AG is expecting a turnover of 1.2 billion euros in the next five years. "As the only full-range provider and through our strategic partnerships, both in the area of e-mobility and in the pure battery business, in connection with our Europe-wide service network, we see ourselves as the market leader in this area", emphasises Andreas Haller. The aim is to achieve an annual production capacity of 8,000 vehicles, which is to be achieved through the company’s own production in Augsburg and the further expansion of Microfactories. "Thanks to this approach, we can then process larger customer orders locally in the respective country. This will not only result in considerable financial and time savings, but also in the emissions that would otherwise be generated by the elimination of the transport of e-vehicles from Germany to the customers," explains Haller. In addition, the management board plans to float Quantron AG on the stock exchange by the end of 2021.
Q-Bank and Q-Insurance
In order to better meet the future demand for individual financing and leasing offers and also the demand for special e-vehicle insurance, Quantron AG plans to establish its own Q-Bank and Q-insurance company. Both companies are already being established. "There is no need for an American company to seek to sell insurance for e-vehicles in Europe. The best actuators as well as we are already in Europe – and this is our home," Andreas Haller said with regard to the announcements of Elon Musk. "With our Q-Bank and Q-insurance we do not only want to serve our own customers. We are also looking beyond the horizon in a Quantron-like manner and aim to serve all e-mobility customers on the market," says Andreas Haller, the board member in charge of the company.
Environmental project with Hannes Jaenicke
Towards the end of the conference an environmental project of Quantron AG was presented, which will be launched together with Hannes Jaenicke. Until the end of the year 100 trees will be planted. In addition, from now on every customer of Quantron AG will receive their own tree with the aim of a Quantron Jaenicke forest.
Europe’s only full-range supplier of complete electrified solutions
Quantron AG is the only company in the whole of Europe to offer e-commercial vehicles from 3.49 to 44 tonnes as well as e-buses. The range of e-buses extends from the new mini- and midi-e-buses Jest Electric and Atak Electric to the Quantron retrofit for all bus brands with the Voith Electrical Drive System. According to Andreas Haller, Quantron AG relies on Right Sizing for electrification in order to offer resource- and cost-efficient solutions for customers. "Among other things, we analyse in advance exactly what range is really required in daily use in order to avoid oversizing the battery capacity and thus unnecessary costs for the customer. Intelligent route planning, e.g. with possible interim charges at discharge points, supports this procedure," says Andreas Haller. One of the reasons for the press conference was the four-week test of the Quantron e-Econic waste collection vehicle at FES, Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH. Mr Michael Werner, company spokesman of the FES, confirmed the very successful use of the e-vehicle for daily refuse collection. In addition to the always available power and the high residual load at the end of each working day (approx. 50%), the quiet and emission-free work with the vehicle was particularly convincing – a considerable improvement for the residents and, above all, for the working conditions of the employees on the vehicle.
Over 400 e-vehicles have already been put on the road with our partners
During the press conference it was made clear what the strategy of Quantron AG is. The company does not want to reinvent the wheel, but is working together with strategic partners to bring practical e-technology to the market. The same applies to the fuel cell. "In the field of hydrogen drives, we are working together with AE Driven Solu-tions GmbH in the light segment, while our technology partner Freudenberg Sealing Technologies is in the heavy segment. Both have highly qualified employees as well as functioning technology on board, which we will bring to the market in bulk in the future," confirms Andreas Haller.
Q-Aftersales – Service strategies
The service strategy of Quantron AG is the same for all of Europe. Through its network of more than 700 service locations throughout Europe and its own telematics solutions, Quantron AG wants to enable its customers to use its e-solutions 24/7 throughout the year.
Product launch ELION – Kommunalfahrzeuge
During the press conference, the Quantron-ELION was presented as a further new product for which Quantron AG is now responsible for European sales. Located in the micro class (< 3.5 t), the ELION, manufactured by MUP technologies GmbH, is available in two versions: the T series as a transporter and the M series as an equipment carrier. Both vehicles can be equipped with numerous attachments and bodies.
Q-as a Service – Rental, purchase, financing and leasing options
"We can’t just put an e-vehicle in front of the customer’s door. There are a number of things to consider when integrating e-mobility. That is why we offer our customers a fully comprehensive service. This ranges from a preliminary analysis of the status quo on site, to support with infrastructure and subsidies, to offering rental, purchase, financing and leasing options," says Andreas Haller. "But we go one step further. In future, customers will be able to obtain not only the e-vehicle but also the driver from us, for example to process short-term and new orders. This will considerably simplify the entry into e-mobility and the integration of e-vehicles into the company fleet. We will then bill on the basis of the kWh consumed," explains the director, Andreas Haller.
New company slogan
Andreas Haller concluded by announcing that the slogan of Quantron AG would change with immediate effect. After all, it is no longer a question of finding the right e-Solution. Thanks to its wide range of products, Quantron AG is the solution. The immediate adaptation of the slogan to "Quantron AG – We are your e-solution!
Front row, from left to right: Fabian Schmitt (Technical Advisor, AE Driven Solutions GmbH), Jürgen Berger (Senior Project Manager Voith), Andreas Haller (Director Quantron AG),
Dr. Manfred Stefener (Vice President Fuel Cell Systems, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies), Michael Werner (Company Spokesman, FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH)
Back from left to right: Reiner Dellori (Head of Product Management, Quantron AG), Stephan Decker (CTO Truck & Bus, Quantron AG), Hannes Jaenicke, Holger Grass (Head of Business Development, Quantron AG), Claudio Matà (Global Head of Aftersales, Quantron AG)
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