German R&D start-up on the verge of establishing new benchmarks for surface topography and coating technologies by artificially mimicking bone

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Mittwoch, März 19, 2025
MBT is a patented surface functionalization technology. stimOS developed a covalently bonded 3D continuous biomimetic surface layer, specifically designed for inert implant materials. This development creates nano-layers that exhibit excellent combinations of surface free energy and mechanical stability. Most importantly, however, the combined implant (tested on PEEK) and surface functionalization (MBT) show high cytotolerance for bone constitution and ingrowth of bone-cells. MBT is (a) biocompatible, (b) avoids infections, (c) preserves healthy bone, (d) stimulates new bone formation, and results in an (e) overall high BIC (bone-to-implant contact).
In short, by doing this, stimOS gives inert materials biological features which are close to natural.
“Our signature stimOS MBT will offer both physicians and patients a completely new and innovative solution. Not only relying on coating technologies, as known to date, MBT restructures the implant materials all together in a biochemical way by a covalently bound activation layer”, explains Dr. Jennifer Knaus, Head of Laboratory.
“The problem of implant loosening and inflammatory reactions due to inert implant materials is known for longer times already: Now we can successful solve this problem with MBT. This will become a game-changer.”, says founding member and CEO, Dr. Dietmar Schaffarczyk.
Any implant material can be refined with MBT. “This does not result in higher regulatory approval requirements (CE/FDA)” describes Schaffarczyk the technology, who is also a certified Lead Auditor MedTech.
To add to the CEO’s statement, Priv. Doz. Dr. Andreas Schwitalla, out of the Charité – University of Medicine, in Berlin reports: "MBT has the potential to set new standards in implant coatings”. The Charité, Department of Dental Materials and Biomaterial Research, Berlin, together with the University of Zurich, subjected stimOS implants to a stress test and is convinced of the results.
Animal studies were conducted by the University of Zurich, Switzerland and Charité University, Berlin, Germany. This animal study was done to compare current existing surface properties of all common implant materials against the properties of Mimicking Bone Technology.
The company’s mission is to transform implant surfaces from an artificial barrier in the patient´s body into a bone-identic implant body interface while avoiding inflammatory reactions and potential revision surgery.
About stimOS
stimOS GmbH was founded in May 2015 by Prof. Dr. Helmut Cölfen, Prof. Dr. Günter Schatz, Prof. Dr. Johannes Boneberg, all coming from the University of Konstanz and Dr. Dietmar Schaffarczyk. stimOS develops innovative technologies and procedures refine, functionalize and activate implant materials. As a supplier and service provider, stimOS makes this technology available to implant manufacturers. In addition, the company offers services in the field of product development and certification and develops with the product line spineFuseMBT implants for spinal fusion surgery.
stimOS products for implant surface functionalization under the label MBT are available in three different categories: MBTg, MBTv and MBTti. All stimOS surface functionalization technologies show superior results concerning the growth of bone cells. A comparative study made by the Universities of Constance, Zurich and Charité Berlin demonstrates excellent results for all MBT surface treatments compared to commonly available implant materials.
stimOS GmbH
Byk-Gulden-Straße 2
D-78467 Konstanz
Follow us on Twitter: @med_stimos
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