ALLPLAN delivers automated processes for the design of structures

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Dienstag, März 18, 2025
"Automated processes ensure smooth workflows as well as time, cost, quality and lifecycle-optimised planning. Therefore, the improvement and simplification of work processes in the everyday design of architects and engineers is the focus of the latest Allplan update," says Kevin Lea, Senior Vice President Product Management at ALLPLAN.
At A Glance – Allplan 2021-1 offers the following benefits:
Automated creation of provision for voids
With the Allplan 2021-1 release, architects can now complete their provision for voids in a fraction of the previous time because time-consuming, manual remodeling of slots and openings is no longer necessary. With the new functions, it is possible to automatically convert cut-outs from the building services model into breakthroughs and slots in walls, ceilings and floor slabs.
Automated reinforcement in the shortest possible time
Thanks to new parametric reinforcement objects and the combination of many individual work steps, Allplan 2021-1 considerably speeds up the reinforcement design of walls, beams and columns. Users can specify reinforcement rules with regards to minimum and maximum spacing, minimum diameter or permissible reinforcement ratio, and define offsets, connection reinforcement and different bracing areas. The automatic comparison of the design with the stored reinforcement rules helps to detect errors at an early stage. Finally, views and sections can be conveniently generated and placed. The planning of punching shear reinforcement is facilitated.
Improved interaction between Allplan and Allplan Bridge
Allplan Bridge now offers the option of placing intelligent objects (e.g. street lights, elastomeric bearings, bored piles, …) at defined positions with correct alignment and predefined parameters. When the bridge model is transferred to Allplan, parametric objects (so-called PythonParts) with the predefined properties are automatically placed at the corresponding positions. This significantly speeds up the generation of a detailed bridge model, including reinforcement if necessary. In addition, changes can be made particularly easily due to the parametric nature of these objects.
Improvements for handling the BIM model
Using the BIM Explorer, you can now upload your 3D models even faster and display them more realistically in the data management platform Bimplus. With the new measuring toolkit, you can increase the control and design quality of your building model. For a clearer overview, the document management in Bimplus has been optimized. You can now invite additional members with view-only rights, via the guest viewer, to facilitate your coordination processes and make important decisions earlier.
Allplan 2021-1 is available for download via the Auto Update function in Allplan or on Allplan Connect.
More information:
ALLPLAN is a global provider of BIM design software for the AEC industry. True to our "Design to Build" tagline, we cover the entire process from the first concept to final detailed design for the construction site or for prefabrication. Allplan users create deliverables of the highest quality and level of detail thanks to lean workflows. ALLPLAN offers powerful integrated cloud technology to support interdisciplinary collaboration on building and civil engineering projects. Around the world over 500 dedicated employees continue to write the ALLPLAN success story. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, ALLPLAN is part of the Nemetschek Group which is a pioneer for digital transformation in the construction sector.
For more details:
Allplan Deutschland GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 92793-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 92793-5200