Cor.Speed Sports Wheels Europe: Tuning the Swiss way – Aerotechnik puts Porsche Macan on Cor.Speed DeVille

Porsche and SUVs? For a long time this combination was unimaginable, actually that the Zuffenhausen-based company would ever build anything other than sleek, two-door coupés and convertibles or roadsters. But then came the big turning point, in 2001 the Cayenne was launched. A few years later a little brother followed in the form of the Macan, which was introduced in 2014. This recently unveiled example of the turbo version of the latter cuts a fine figure on its elegant and high-quality light alloy wheels from Cor.Speed ​​Sports Wheels.

The conversion was carried out by the Swiss specialists from Aerotechnik Fahrzeugteile AG from Stein am Rhein. They fixed a set of Cor.Speed ​​DeVille wheels on the axles of the sporty SUV. These have a finish in Gunmetal Matt and as eye catchers a red hub cap and red Barracuda Racing Bolts. The dimensions are 9.0×21 and 10.5×21 inches.

The rims, combined with 265/40 and 295/35 tires, are perfectly positioned under the fenders with the help of SCC spacers that are 15 and 10 millimeters thick at the front, as well as by lowering the wheels by 45 millimeters by reprogramming the factory air suspension.

Breathtaking videos and pictures from Cor.Speed ​​are available on the YouTube channel “Corspeed Sports Wheels” and interactively on the Instagram profile “corspeed.sports.wheels” or the Facebook page “Barracuda Europe Racing Wheels”.  The light alloy wheels from the extensive Cor.Speed ​​rim program are available from car dealerships or from well-stocked tire and specialist shops.  Alternatively, like all facts and price and delivery information, it is available directly from:

JMS Fahrzeugteile GmbH
Hauptstr. 26
72141 Walddorfhäslach
Tel.: +49 (0) 71 27 / 96084-0
Fax: +49 (0) 71 27 / 96084-20

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

JMS – Fahrzeugteile GmbH
Schulstr. 28
72654 Neckartenzlingen
Telefon: +49 (7127) 96084-0
Telefax: +49 (7127) 96084-20

Jochen Schweiker
Geschäftsführer/general manager
Telefon: +49 (7127) 9608411
Fax: +49 (7127) 32389
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