Casual cruising
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Kathmandu Nepal
Montag, Feb. 10, 2025
Wunderlich’s developers have tested the streamlined shape extensively in road tests. The size and proportions of the CRUISE combine perfect, integrated design with high basic protection.
The windshield has a high-quality finish. The view through the scratch-resistant, petrol- and UV-resistant, 5 mm thick windshield reveals a clear view, without distorting optical defects that irritate. Another Wunderlich trademark: The hand-polished, circumferential edge of the lens: This is the only way the windshield offers an unobstructed view ahead, in addition to aerodynamic advantages and the reduction of wind noise. All this allows for a casual, decidedly relaxed and upright sitting position – with an unobstructed view over the upper edge of the adjustable windshield.
Wunderlich offers the windshield CRUISE with German type approval*¹ either transparent or in smoke grey at a price of 399,00 €*². Including 5 years warranty.
*² Prices may vary from country to country.
At a glance:
18011-001 – Wunderlich windshield CRUISE – transparent
18011-002 – Wunderlich windshield CRUISE – smoke grey
The facts:
Technical data
*¹ The tests at the technical service have been successfully completed. The completion of the administrative act with the issuing of the German type approval is expected soon. We will send you the German type approval without being asked.
A real Boxer is never finished!
BOXER-SPIRIT: Customizing without flexing and welding, with approved and certified Wunderlich components – legal for road use.
On the Wunderlich BOXER-SPIRIT landing page, the BMW specialists present the world of the BMW R 18 and R nineT. If you like the concept bikes, you can customise your R 18 or R nineT completely or in parts with Wunderlich components according to your own ideas. The bolt-on customising range makes it possible, thanks to the same technical basis that BMW has provided for the R 18 and R nineT series. Most of the Wunderlich custom components can be combined individually within the model series. This leaves nothing to be desired for conversion according to personal taste.
Web links
Wunderlich windshield »CRUISE«
Wunderlich Interactive Showroom
Wunderlich GmbH
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 6 – 8
53501 Grafschaft-Ringen
Telefon: +49 (2641) 3082-0
Telefax: +49 (2641) 3082-208