Rapeseed meal exports reached record volume

From July 2020 to April 2021, Germany exported just less than 2 million tonnes of rapeseed meal. According to information published by the German Federal Statistical Office, this was up approximately 17 per cent year-on-year and the largest tonnage on record. Most of this, just less than 1.9 million tonnes, remained in the European Union. The Netherlands was the largest recipient, taking 950,000 tonnes (up 25 per cent), followed by Spain which received 282,000 tonnes (up 29 per cent). Finland held third place, despite a decline of 12 per cent to 141,000 tonnes. Exports to France increased marginally to 139,000 tonnes. Switzerland was once more a key recipient outside the European Union with imports remaining virtually unchanged at 38,500 tonnes. The old EU partner Great Britain is a new addition to the list of non-EU recipients. The country doubled its imports in the period stated to just less than 45,000 tonnes. According to Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (mbH), exports of rapeseed meal exceeded those of soybean meal in 2020/21 for the first time since 2015/16, namely by 12 per cent.
The Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen (UFOP) has stated that in terms of processing capacity (approximately 9 million tonnes of rapeseed), Germany is the primary production site and supplier of GM-free rapeseed meal within the EU 27. The "without GM" label, which is used for a steadily growing range of products, is an important unique selling point. The association has said that the label is well received in the market by consumers, but also believes that there is still an enormous potential for promoting the origin of the protein feeds to provide more transparency and build regional bonding. Referring to the EU Commission’s "Farm to Fork" strategy, the association has strongly criticised that politicians have previously failed to think integrated bioeconomy through.
The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants e. V. (UFOP) represents the political interests of companies, associations and institutions involved in the production, processing and marketing of domestic oil and protein plants in national and international bodies. UFOP supports research to optimise agricultural production and for the development of new recycling opportunities in the food, non-food and feed sectors. UFOP public relations aim to promote the marketing of domestic oil and protein plant end products.
UFOP – Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V.
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