TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K reports that its popular Liquid Chromatography Flowmeter is being used to determine accurate flow rate calibration data from HPLC pumps in just a few minutes.To maintain consistent accuracy of results, each and every HPLC pump needs calibration of the flow rate it delivers on a regular base. The traditional method of calibrating HPLC pump flow rate relies upon a gravimetric method in which the total weight of solvent delivered in a given time is determined and transformed into flow rate by taking into account the density of the solvent.This gravimetric method, although accurate, has some operational challenges. Though the weight of delivered solvent can be determined accurately using modern scales, this weight data must be precisely synchronized with a time measurement which can be challenging. Transforming this data into flow rate (volume/time) requires accurate values of solvent density at the precise temperature the HPLC pump is operating at. However, even when reliable solutions are found for all the above, this method is still relatively time consuming to determine flow rate repeatably and accurately. As such, the gravimetric calibration of an HPLC pump flow rate can typically take an excess of 30 minutes.The Liquid Chromatography Flowmeter from TESTA Analytical uses a thermal flow sensor that is not only extremely accurate, sensitive and high-resolution – but it alsooffers the advantage of being non-invasive. As this device does not interfere with the measurement itself, and can operate over a wide dynamic range, it has been demonstrated to be the perfect flow monitoring tool for almost any liquid chromatography system.Used to calibrate the flow rate of HPLC pumps – the compact and easy-to-use Liquid Chromatography Flowmeter has been shown to reliably provide flow rate data of the required high accuracy in just a few minutes. In addition to increasing productivity the Liquid Chromatography flowmeter is able to free staff to undertake more productive tasks.For further information on the Liquid Chromatography Flowmeter please visit https://www.testa-analytical.com/flowmeter-request.html or contact Testa Analytical Solutions on +49-30-864-24076 / info@testa-analytical.com.TESTA Analytical Solutions is a leading specialist supplier of liquid chromatography instruments and detectors. Drawing upon over 30-years’ experience, TESTA Analytical Solutions has established itself as a respected creator and supplier of top quality, innovative, high performance chromatography instrument kits and detectors with OEM clients around the world.
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