What should the grid of the future look like? What are the impacts of the coal phase-out on transmission grids and security of supply?

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Montag, März 31, 2025
Wide-ranging agenda with focus on resilience, grid forming, sector coupling
The three specialist events provide an overview of various topics in the field of grid integration of renewable energies and enable an international exchange of experience between industry and research.
With more than 80 presentations in 20 wind sessions and more than 30 presentations in 8 solar sessions, the workshops offer a broad spectrum of topics ranging from resilience, sector coupling and forecasting to hybrid power systems and micro grids. Grid Forming, a controversial topic in previous years, will again be a focus of the Solar & Storage and Wind Integration Workshops this year. More than 15 in-depth presentations will be given in the four sessions dedicated to the topic at this year’s workshops.
TSOs and international experts – from 50Hertz to IRENA and NREL.
The Wind Keynote Session also promises in-depth insights into developments and strategies for grid integration of renewable energies. In presentations by 50Hertz, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), participants will learn more about the challenges and approaches to implementing the energy transition. Prof. Peter Cramton from the University of Cologne and University of Maryland will also address the topic of resilience in his keynote lecture against the backdrop of the experiences from the Texas blackout earlier this year.
In addition, 50Hertz, TransnetBW and Amprion, together with speakers from the German Bundesnetzagentur and the University of Duisburg-Essen, will present the effects of the exit from coal-fired generation in Germany on transmission adequacy and security of supply.
Further presentations by various transmission system operators such as TenneT, RTE, Amprion, REN, Fingrid, 50Hertz, Elia, TransnetBW, various wind turbine and PV manufacturers as well as universities and research groups will round off the event agenda, which will also include special sessions on the SINTEG project WindNODE or the IEA Wind Task 25, for example.
The role of electromobility on the way to Net Zero
The 5th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium will focus on charging infrastructure and offer sessions on grid and regulatory aspects, vehicle-to-grid and modelling aspects. In the E-Mobility Keynote Session, speakers from the Belgian transmission system operator Elia, the US Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Volvo Group and the International Energy Agency will shed light on various aspects of the global development of electric mobility on the way to "Net Zero".
In addition to the conferences, Energynautics will host two introductory virtual tutorials on Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles (24/09/2021) and Lessons Learned: Grid Integration of Variable Renewable Energies (27/09/2021).
Further information on all events and registration is available on the conference websites:
Energynautics GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 7
64293 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 (6151) 78581-00