Cholera and Corona caused the Oktoberfest to be cancelled twice

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Kathmandu Nepal
Freitag, März 28, 2025
The study refers to how many measures of beer can be bought with one ounce of gold at the Munich Oktoberfest. This compares the purchasing power of gold with that of paper money. Responsible for this is Ronald-Peter Stöferle, who is known from the highly regarded "In Gold we Trust" report. So, the Oktoberfest was cancelled for the 25th time since 1810. So far only the cholera had managed this. Otherwise, economic reasons or wars caused the cancellation of the event.
In 2019, up to 11.80 euros had to be paid for a Maß (one liter) beer. In 1950, the Maß cost only 0.82 euros. The annual inflation rate since 1950 has averaged 3.8 percent. This year, one ounce of gold could buy 121 Maß of beer, 13 Maß less than last year. On average, you got 90 Maß for an ounce of gold. In 2012, for example, you could enjoy 137 Maß Bier. In 1980, it was even 227 Maß Bier, which was the highest level since 1950. From this, you can see that the price of gold today has plenty of room to go up in terms of the purchasing power for beer. An ounce of gold would have to rise to a good 2,600 euros to be weighed out in beer today.
If gold were to trend in this direction alone, the investors of the gold companies could rub their hands, because they even still have leverage on the gold price. These gold companies include Condor Gold and Chesapeake Gold.
Condor Gold – – has three gold projects in Nicaragua, including the La India project. This covers 588 square kilometers.
Chesapeake Gold – – has a promising project with its Metates gold-silver-zinc property in Mexico, whose preliminary economic assessment looks very positive.
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