Yalago appoints General Manager amidst record high for travel sales in 2022

Since its inception in 2017, Dubai-based Yalago has built a strong reputation for its market-leading rates, supporting travel companies in offering significant savings to their customers, worldwide.
Yalago recovered to pre-COVID levels of intake in 2021, and is now announcing weeks of record levels of sales creations experienced between January and April 2022. Overall sales in Q1 2022 have also grown 73% compared to sales in the same time period in 2019.
Astrid Kastberg has now joined Yalago’s fast-growing team as General Manager, bringing more than a decades’ worth of industry experience from Europe, including accommodation wholesale and travel technology.
Astrid Kastberg, General Manager at Yalago, commented: “Throughout the time of the global pandemic, Yalago has demonstrated resilience and growth in the face of one of the most challenging periods in our industry’s history – a testament to its offering, and our incredible team. Re-locating from Spain to the UAE where Yalago is headquartered and its story began, I’m excited to have the opportunity to take the brand to the next level as part of ambitious growth plans for 2022.”
Yalago expanded in to the UK in 2020 with its tailored Yalago Retail Connect offering, targeting UK-based travel agents, while the brand continues to appoint representatives in other, key markets to offer superior, first-hand service to the global travel industry. Kastberg joins Yalago this year as part of plans to expand its footprint globally backed by a team of talented travel experts, and supported closely by investment to enhance its distribution, product portfolio, and IT services.
After conducting an extensive review of business growth areas, in 2022 Yalago plans to make several appointments, with a focus on Brazil, Europe, North America, and the Middle East, alongside other key markets identified as offering unparalleled opportunities to grow its customer base.
Meanwhile, Yalago’s world-class accommodation inventory is also set to undergo significant growth this year, in line with increases in demand for the brand’s award-winning service, as international suppliers continue to recognise its continued market strength and stability.
Sébastien Doussin, DVP – Global Ground Services & Destination Management at dnata Travel Group, commented: “Yalago has continued to prove an industry success story despite challenging conditions, and we are excited to grow our global team. Another of our focus points in 2022 is to improve the operational service element for our suppliers, and ensure the best service possible for their global customers, supported by strong technology. With game-changing advancements on the horizon across the business, we have much more in the way of exciting announcements to come for Yalago this year.”
To find out more, access www.yalago.com, email sales.support@yalago.com or visit the Yalago team at this year’s major trade events, including at WTM London.
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