connect conference – great telecommunication summit

"Our topics, partners and speakers underline the positioning of connect and our event: always internationally pioneering at the forefront of innovation in telecommunications. We are very pleased that our conference can once again take place live in our partner city Dresden," says Dirk Waasen, Publishing Director of WEKA MEDIA PUBLISHING GmbH.
The Minister President of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, says: "Digitization is based on three pillars: hardware, software, connectivity. Here, in Saxony, these foundations of digitization are closely linked in terms of location and content. Therefore, Dresden in Saxony, is the right place for the connect conference and its topics. After all, the telecommunications industry, with its innovations and technologies, is an important driver of digitization. Holding a conference here in Dresden, in an international format, also strengthens the awareness of "Silicon Saxony" as an outstanding innovation location in Europe."
Dirk Hilbert, Lord Mayor of the city Dresden, says: "The connect conference is about trends and communication technologies of the future, which concern us all. We are all the more pleased that Dresden is once again hosting this pioneering event. The fact that we have a lot of innovative power here is demonstrated not at least by the finalists of the Start-up Award, who will be presenting themselves at the conference."
The topics of the conference overarch many aspects of digitization – on day 1, everything revolves around mobile communications, on day 2, around fixed networks. Is 5G already ready for the masses? What about campus networks? Is Open RAN on the rise? Where does Germany stand in international comparison and on the way to a gigabit society? How can cars be connected to 5G? Do the new mitigation rules prove their worth? How much streaming can the market take? How well does fixed-mobile substitution work? How secure are mobile networks? Is the data catastrophe in the fixed network looming, and how will high-speed Internet get to rural areas? At the connect conference, top experts from the industry will provide answers to these and many other questions.
In addition, the winners of this year’s Start-up Award will be announced at the conference, on the evening of the first day. In live pitches, the four finalists codessquare, IoT-Plan and PowerOn as well as SEMRON will face the jury. A panel of experts will announce the two winners. The prize is presented by the city of Dresden and includes extensive communication support for the winners – advertorials, editorial support and social media postings, company portraits and case studies.
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On the first day of the conference, June 21, everything will revolve around the topic of mobile communications. Dirk Hilbert, Lord Mayor of the city of Dresden, will be responsible for the ceremonial opening. Jochen Bockfeld (O2 Telefónica) will then speak about digitalization and network transformation, while Anne Stephan (Rohde & Schwarz) offers key findings on the development of 5G over the past year. Stephen Brobst (Teradata) provides insights into the development of fundamentals for mobile data monetization in the age of 5G. In the afternoon, Enrique Moreno and Jesús Martín Tello (NTT Data) show how sustainability and efficiency can be integrated into the mobile re-evolution. Jan Busch (O2 Telefónica) will explain 5G campus networks and network solutions for industry and SMEs. Bela Virag (AdLittle) also tackles this topic and explains business cases for campus networks. Christian and Maria Piechnick (Wandelbots) talk about the era of mass adoption of robots. Rui Frazao (AWS) shows how telecom providers are driving 5G business. Alokchandra Somisetty (Peaq) takes on the topic of e-mobility in his presentation and talks about decentralized charging of electric vehicles. There will also be a panel on 5G++, presented by Hakan Ekmen (umlaut, part of Accenture) and featuring Jochen Bockfeld (O2 Telefónica), Anita Döhler (NGMN Alliance), Enrique Moreno (NTT Data) and Anne Stephan (Rohde & Schwarz). Other speakers include Badiaa Bazarbacha (Vantage Towers), Jean-Paul Chaib (Meta), Julian Dahan (6Wind), Anita Döhler (NGMN Alliance), Mark Düsener (Swisscom), Prof. Frank Fitzek (5G Lab), Sascha Hellermann (Cocus), Dr. Bruno Jakobfeuerborn (Deutsche Funkturm), Dr. Michael Lemke (Huawei), Viplob Synga (NEC Europe Ltd.) and Dr. Michael Weber (Desay SV Automotive Europe).
On day two, the conference will focus on fixed networks. Martin Butz (O2 Telefónica) will explain partnerships in the German market and how Internet access can become a reality for every household. He will then discuss hyperscalers and edge computing in a panel with Bela Virag (Ad Little) and Djorde Tujkovic (Meta). Soeren Wendler (Dt. Giganetz) will give an insight into fiber rollout in Germany, followed by Christoph Klein (Eurofiber) talking about open access as a driver of the digital society. Susana Calvo Redondo (UGG) talks about Green Fibers for Germany, Jens Schaller (Sachsen GigaBit) presents GigaBit Sachsen. Rui Frazao (AWS) explains the value of cloud-based services for fixed-line customers. Mark Düsener (Swisscom) and Hakan Ekmen (umlaut) also provide insights into current topics from the fixed network sector.
TECHNOLOGY TRENDS FASCINATION. WEKA MEDIA PUBLISHING GmbH has dedicated itself to this motto. With the brands connect, PC Magazin, PCgo, COLORFOTO, AUDIO, stereoplay and video, it accompanies readers through exciting worlds of technology, both print and digital. A high level of editorial expertise and objective product tests in the company’s own Testlab measuring laboratory are a constant requirement. This is one of the reasons why WEKA MEDIA PUBLISHING GmbH is one of Germany’s largest technology publishers and also offers a measuring laboratory for competent and independent testing services that is unique in the publishing industry.
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