When the boundaries between swimwear and lingerie become blurred

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Freitag, März 14, 2025
The first impulse came, how could it be otherwise, in the water. It was the day after myday after my birthday in April 2020. I was enjoying the sunny day in our swim spa and philosophised about the fact that there is no flattering swimwear to be had in Europe. At first it was just a "crazy idea" to go back to my roots in fashion, to design swimwear ultimately to produce it myself. But a few days after the first idea, when I woke up in the morning, the words "Beach and Spa Lingerie" came to mind. The desire for this new product simply wouldn’t let me go.
But an idea and the implementation are two pairs of shoes?
The final "go" for implementation came in October 2020, after I found a manufacturer who could produce the materials according to my requirements.
What do these requirements look like?
In addition to salt and chlorinated water resistance and the quality of the materials used, my most important values are to support small (family) businesses and to keep the added value in Austria as much as possible. All materials are produced exclusively for AVIMIVA by an Austrian family company. For products and services that could not be sourced in Austria, I work with businesses in neighbouring countries, all of which I have selected according to my principles and values. I source jewellery components from Germany and production is carried out by an Italian family manufactory with only twelve employees near Lake Como. Many people talk about fair wages and short distances – AVIMIVA adheres to this and I am very proud of that.
Is it possible to design fashion just like that?
There is already a history. After compulsory school I attended the Lentia fashion school in Linz, where I specialised in fashion design. At that time it would have been necessary to leave Austria for a career in the fashion industry. But I was and still am too deeply rooted in my homeland. At first I went the classical way via very typical women’s jobs in the secretarial/administrative field. Until, after a stroke, I followed my inner urge for change for the first time. After a stroke I followed my inner urge for change for the first time and completed a diploma course in TCM and relationship coaching. I practised this activity independently for many years with a lot of heart and soul. Then the Corona Pandemic came and "immobilised" me.The call for change, growth and development that was dormant in me was given space and could be heard again.
What makes AVIMIVA special?
AVIMIVA’s exclusive swimwear blurs the boundaries between swimwear and lingerie in a noble, sensual and feminine way. I use materials that until now materials that have not been associated with water until now – because of their exclusivity and elegance. The materials are light as a feather and dry extremely quickly. It fascinates me, to emphasise a woman’s assets with deliberately chosen cuts and refined accents, to visually set the scene for EVERY woman’s figure. It’s about guiding and directing the eye. And I love thinking outside the box when it comes to materials, going new ways and experimenting.
Where do you get your inspiration and ideas?
One of my favourite things to do is to observe people. Women themselves are my greatest inspiration. I observe women wherever I can, how they move.What is she trying to "hide"? What makes her feel (un)comfortable, what makes her feel (un)comfortable? Ideas come to me always and everywhere. My creative channel is most open when I am relaxed. My "creative zone", where I test new materials and cuts, is at my home in the Mostviertel.
What is the typical AVIMIVA customer like?
My customers are a motley crew and each one is unique and individual. My youngest customer is 19, the oldest 58. There is no such thing as a "pigeonhole" customer. From schoolgirls and students, young mothers, entrepreneurs, employees (also in management positions) and celebrities scattered throughout Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and France. But not only women shop with me. Men who are looking for that special gift are also among my valued customers. My noble bikinis and swimming costumes and the elegantbeachwear, for example, are popular, exclusive and seductive companions on honeymoons.
AVIMIVA Badedessous | Born in Austria, made in EU
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