Density & Solids content in the thickener

Berthold‘s SmartSeries LB 414
The solids content in the underflow is monitored continuously by the SmartSeries LB 414 radiometric density measurement system. The robust and cost-efficient device provides a reliable measurement with excellent accuracy and reproducibility for many years.
The local user interface with display and software focused on key aspects make calibration and operation of the HART device easy. Calibration can be carried out via the detector’s push button, HART communicator, PC with service modem, or infrared remote control. Once calibrated, in addition to the 4–20 mA HART output, the current measured value is continuously shown on the local display.
These are the advantages of Berthold’s solids content measurement used for the mining industry:
For further information please visit this link:
As a world technology leader in the field of radiometric measuring systems, Berthold products convince with outstanding measuring performance and reliability. The main fields of application are, for example, in chemical & polymers (etc. fertilizer industry), steel and power plants, mining & mineral processing, waste & recycling, refineries, paper, glass and as well as in the food industry (etc. sugar beets). In addition, microwave measuring systems for the determination of moisture and concentration belong to our extensive portfolio. The production of high-quality measuring systems for industry and research began more than 70 years ago in Bad Wildbad in the Black Forest.
Calmbacher Straße 22
75323 Bad Wildbad
Telefon: +49 (7081) 177-0
Telefax: +49 (7081) 177-100