55 apprentices complete final exams

Breaking News:
Kathmandu Nepal
Samstag, März 15, 2025
"We are very pleased that our new skilled workers have mastered their final exams so well. During their training period, they got to know an exciting working environment and were able to acquire important knowledge for the construction of complex and innovative ships. This equips our graduates with future-proof skills," says Managing Director Ber-nard Meyer.
In a festive event in the auditorium of the shipyard, Bernard Meyer, Andreas Hensen (Chairman of the Works Council) and Erwin Siemens (Training Manager) congratulated the graduates on their success. Afterwards, the certificates were presented.
There are still apprenticeship places available in the MEYER Group for the start of train-ing in September 2023. Information about the apprenticeships is available at www.mey-ercareer.com. Applications are also possible there.
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