Raynet Unified Data Platform turns IT data into actions

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Despite recent economic uncertainty, Gartner predicts that total IT spend will increase by 5.1% in 2023 and investment in digital business initiatives will remain strong. These digital initiatives rely on high-quality data, but when the data quality is poor, they can fail at a rate of almost 40%. This means that IT leaders who are looking to drive change and revenue growth at their organizations need to prioritize getting high-quality IT data to fuel their strategic goals.
Raynet Unified Data Platform provides the infrastructure, application, organizational and commercial data required to create flexible, scalable, and lean environments that drive innovation and business success. By normalizing and enriching technology data with information such as titles, versions, editions, categories, business function, vulnerabilities, End-of-Life and End-of-Support dates, IT leaders can turn data into actions.
Through its extensive library of technical and commercial data, the RayVentory Catalog provides data transparency. The technology catalog was cited in 2022 by major industry analysts for providing, “vetted end-of-life data and other product details that can be accessed directly or integrated into other tools used for management activities.” With its numerous out-of-the-box connectors, the Raynet Unified Data Platform can connect to draw data from almost any tool on the market, giving users nearly unparalleled data capabilities for data aggregation and normalization.
To ensure the success of business initiatives, Raynet Unified Data Platform aggregates and enhances the most crucial IT information. It provides full IT visibility, so organizations can maximize existing licenses and subscriptions, make better, more business-driven purchasing decisions, and enhance data and infrastructure security.
“We’re focused on outcomes, and the outcomes highlight why IT visibility is so important. Organizations can expect savings of more than 30% when they rationalize and reduce the number of versions in their environment. This also drastically reduces support efforts, rapidly increases security, and allows organizations to use their resources more effectively. With this information, organizations are empowered to make critical long-term and strategic decisions about their IT investment. This is how we turn data into actions,” said Ragip Aydin, CEO of Raynet.
Raynet will be on hand at IAITAM ACE on May 9th – 11th at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville. Under the banner, “Turn Data into Actions” we’ll answer all your questions about getting the most value from your ITAM data – from combatting tech debt to building resilient cyber asset attack surface management, and everything in between.
Raynet ist ein global agierender Softwarehersteller mit marktführenden Lösungen und Managed Service Provider im Bereich des Enterprise Software Managements. Der Mission „Discover to Manage“ folgend, bietet Raynet dem Markt einzigartige Produkte, die alle Technologien abdecken.
Neben der Zentrale in Paderborn unterhält Raynet weitere Niederlassungen in Deutschland, USA, Polen, Türkei und UK. Mit mehr als 130 hochqualifizierten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern unterstützt Raynet mit ihrem Portfolio seit 1999 namhafte Kunden und Partner weltweit bei ihren Projekten – von Technology Asset Inventory und Software Asset Management über Software Packaging und Workflow Management hin zu Unified Endpoint Management.
Darüber hinaus unterhält Raynet starke Partnerschaften mit den führenden Unternehmen in dieser Branche. Raynet-Produkte sind einzigartig in Design und Funktionalität. Ihre Entwicklung wird hochgradig durch Kunden und Partner mitbestimmt, die eine wichtige Rolle in der Produktoptimierung spielen und der Hauptgrund dafür sind, dass diese immer eine Spitzenposition einnehmen.
Ob ein neues SAM-Projekt aufgesetzt oder ein Deployment-Tool eingeführt, eine Paketierungsfabrik geplant oder eine Migration durchgeführt werden soll – Raynet ist stets der Best-of-Breed-Partner rundum Produkte, Services und Lösungen des Application Lifecycle Managements für Enterprises.
Weitere Informationen: www.raynet.de
Pressekontakt Raynet:
Isabella Borth
Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
T: +49 (0) 5251 54009-2425
Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 54009-29