E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas: Moving the US Forward with Broad E-Invoice Adoption

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The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas is the only forum dedicated to E-Invoicing in the Americas. The conference will be held in Miami from April 24 to 26, 2023. During the conference, a great variety of presentations, user case studies, roundtables and panel discussions will address the key challenges of the industry when it comes to driving the digital transformation.
Key Topics to be covered
+ E-Invoicing as leverage for a digital strategy: Global best practices
+ The Exchange Framework is here! Moving the US forward with broad E-Invoice adoption
+ ViDA and the global tax digitization tsunami: How to overcome business pitfalls
+ E-Invoicing and Continuous Transaction Controls in the Digital Age
+ Global developments in Peppol
+ Effective AP automation with RPA and AI: How and when
+ Global Interoperability – Collaboration in the connected world
On Monday, April 24, all participants are invited to join the workshop hosted by the Business Payments Coalition. The conference itself will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 25 and 26, 2023.
More information on the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas:
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