Eine Buch-Neuvorstellung des Romeon-Verlages: Considerations on the Proto-Euphratic Language (PE)

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The author of this monograph attempts to prove that it was not the Sumerians, but the indigenous people of Mesopotamia who created writing. These indigenous people, whose name for themselves is not known, are referred to as “Protoeuphratians” in order to be able to identify them, and their language is consequently called “Protoeuphratic (language)” (PE). The front cover shows the remains of the “temple tower” of the city of Uruk and a clay tablet with archaic cuneiform script signs. This monograph is written for both experts and interested lay persons. Let yourself be captured by the magic and mystery of the past …
Erlend Gehlken (PhD: Heidelberg, Habilitation: Marburg) lectures at the University of Frankfurt/Main. His philological focus is on studies of Late Babylonian texts. In the area of technology, as a member of an international team, he is engaged in “automatically” assembling fragments of clay tablets and other objects using virtual 3D models and a joining algorithm (“VCTR project”: www.virtualcuneiform.org).
ISBN: 978-3-96229-449-6
Preis: 25,95 €
Autor: Erlend Gehlken
Seiten: 189
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