Proposed wireless sensor concept combining energy harvesting and all-solid-state batteries

A question frequently asked is what can this wireless sensor device do? As the solid-state battery can be charged by just using an indoor light source it enables the device to be installed in a variety of locations including those without system power supply. This would allow the possibility of operating environmental sensors such as illumination and incident detection by just using the power from the charged all-solid-state battery with the results being displayed on a tablet using Bluetooth.
Examples of this include:
What was the reasoning behind this concept? A core ethos of Maxell is how it can use its technology to help society. By providing a solution to an issue, whilst utilizing free energy, we can help society as a whole.
What are the advantages of Maxell’s all-solid-state batteries? These batteries feature a number of important characteristics such as high heat resistance, a long life and a high safety record, all of which are difficult to achieve using conventional rechargeable batteries. If we look at these in turn;
High heat resistance: Dischargeable temperature range of -50°C to 125°C.
Long life: Excellent storage and cycle characteristics
High safety: No ignition or smoke in numerous safety tests. The heat generated is less than 1°C
Previous devices could not be used in extreme temperatures due to the limitations of the batteries used, but with the advent of Maxell all-solid-state batteries new opportunities are opening in extreme environments.
When combined with energy harvesting technology it results in no battery replacement being needed for the life of the device and the device can be used in locations away from manned facilities, thus reducing man-hours to change batteries. A positive environmental impact is that by incorporating renewable energy it eliminates the need for primary batteries.
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Maxell Europe Ltd
Botanica Ditton Park, Riding Court Road
SL3 9LL Datchet, Slough, Berkshire
Telefon: +44 (0)1628 412012