Driving the Energy Transition: Combined Capacity Expansion Planning and Dispatch Optimization

In light of this, Energynautics’ grid analysis experience has been expanded with the economic proficiency required in today’s renewable energy planning landscape. The company offers the dedicated expertise required to conduct comprehensive planning studies including capacity optimization, dispatch simulation, steady-state and dynamic power system analysis – everything that is needed to ensure that the power system of the future is economically feasible and technically stable and reliable.
Steady-state and dynamic grid analysis for renewable integration has been Energynautics’ core business since company inception. Such technical studies require detailed inputs concerning power system setup and operation, which are typical outputs of techno-economic optimization and planning models. Long term planning with a time horizon of years to decades determines the optimal portfolio of generation and grid assets, while operational planning aims to optimize their use. Energynautics have in the past years gathered significant experience in such techno-economic planning studies using multiple different software solutions.
To conduct techno-economic optimization and provide inputs to the electrical analysis, PLEXOS and PyPSA are the main tools used by Energynautics. HOMER is also available for quick analysis of small systems.
Find more information about the different tools and their optimal use case depending on different system sizes, desired level of detail and interoperability requirements, see the company website:
Energynautics ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen, das sich auf Fragen der Netzeinbindung von erneuerbaren Energien und innovative nachhaltige Energiekonzepte, wie z.B. Smart-Grids, spezialisiert hat. An der Schnittstelle von Industrie und Forschung bieten wir für eine breite Palette an Kunden – wie z.B. Netzbetreiber, Hersteller von Komponenten für erneuerbare Energieanlagen und Regierungsbehörden sowie Nichtregierungsorganisationen – Beratungsleistungen an. Zudem sind wir Veranstalter von jährlich stattfindenden, internationalen Konferenzen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien.
Energynautics GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 7
64293 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 (6151) 78581-00