FEPE Conference 2023: FEPE expects positive economic stimulations from print mailings and e-commerce packaging

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Kathmandu Nepal
Montag, März 31, 2025
In addition to the main topics of "sustainability" and "e-commerce", the increasing importance of print mailings as part of Cross Channel Marketing was also the focus of the discussions. While the envelope volume for the shipping of documents and invoices has been continuously decreased since several years, the FEPE members are developing and selling more and more e-commerce packaging and related products. The "Mailing Envelopes" segment is also becoming increasingly important for the industry, especially because the added value is significantly higher for these products than for classic inserting envelopes.
In addition to numerous lectures and technical discussions, the conference well organized by the new FEPE MD Viktor Kovacic, also offered the participants an interesting supporting program in the "Eternal City" and its surroundings. In addition, the former MD of GEA (Global Envelope Alliance) Meynard Benjamin and the former board member Bernard Kuhnast were honored for their services to the industry in a solemn ceremony
These days the industry worries because of the unchanged high raw material and energy price level as well as the low demand due to the weak economy. Despite the high raw material and energy costs, the envelope industry expects however in the coming months a largely stable price level.
The next FEPE Conference will take place in Hamburg in September 2024.
FEPE is an international association representing more than 100 companies which are directly or indirectly involved in the envelope manufacturing sector and light and ecommerce packaging sector in Europe. These comprise manufacturers and suppliers to this industry.
Most members are located in Europe, however, FEPE has a number of international members that have an interest in the European envelope manufacturing sector.
FEPE was established in 1957 with the aim to support the industry and its members. In 2007, it moved its office from Zurich to Brussels in order to more actively promote the industry in Europe.
FEPE aisbl
Avenue Louise 250, Box 81
B1050 Brussels
Telefon: +32 (2) 779-4001
Telefax: +32 (2) 779-4901