SAMBA Pro Fiber Patch Placement system of Fraunhofer IGCV in new AI research hall “Hall 43” of Augsburg University

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Kathmandu Nepal
Mittwoch, März 19, 2025
In 2020, the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV has taken a SAMBA Pro Prepreg production system from Cevotec into operation at the Fiber Placement Center in Meitingen, Germany. However, with the unveiling of the Augsburg AI Production Network, an alliance of esteemed partners, including Fraunhofer IGCV, the decision was made to relocate the SAMBA Pro system to the research hall of Augsburg University. The aim of the production network is joint research into AI-based production technologies at the interface between materials, manufacturing technologies, data-based modeling and digital business models.
„The commissioning of the FPP system in Hall 43 provides us with excellent conditions to drive forward research in the areas of digitalization and AI in composite manufacturing. Both the environment and the existing AI production network consortium are ideal for exploring such approaches. We hope to transfer approaches successfully tested at the FPP system to other manufacturing technologies as well”, comments Dr. Renato Bezerra, Research Associate & Project Lead from the institute.
The Cevotec SAMBA system features a laser cutting unit in order to ensure maximum flexibility in terms of geometry and patch edges. The entire material feed is temperature-controlled, so that the pre-impregnated materials can be processed in a controlled environment. The robots in the system are the proven pair of TP80 pick-and-place robot and the TX200 tool manipulator from Stäubli. “This configuration enables a high lay-up frequency combined with a very high positioning accuracy, allowing for a fully automated lay-up of complex geometries of medium to small dimensions,” explains Dr. Dimitrios Sikoutris, Expert Composites & FPP Technology at Cevotec.
“We look forward to further developing the FPP technology together with Fraunhofer IGCV and to opening up new fields of application”, states Thorsten Groene, CEO and Co-Founder of Cevotec. “The production system serves interested companies from various sectors for active technology and application development, together with the researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute.” Dr. Renato Bezerra adds: “In addition to research focusing on AI and digitization, interested partners can use the SAMBA system to investigate and evaluate the feasibility of components in FPP design and develop components for transfer to series production.”
About Fraunhofer IGCV:
Fraunhofer IGCV stands for application-driven research with focus on efficient engineering, networked production and smart multi-material solutions. The institute drives innovation on the level of manufacturing processes and material sciences, machines and process chains as well as factory and enterprise networks.In an effort to transfer knowledge from research and development into industrial applications, pprox.. 120 scientists generate individual solutions for the German industry. Our unique selling proposition lies in interdisciplinary solutions in the fields of casting, composite and processing technology. As part of the Fraunhofer Group for Production – an association of production technology institutes –, we support our partners with short-term, mid-term and long-term research projects. Thus, we contribute to ensuring a sustainable competitive edge in Germany and Europe.
Der Münchner Automations-Spezialist Cevotec bietet eines der weltweit modernsten Produktionssysteme für komplexe Faserverbundwerkstoffe an. An der Schnittstelle zwischen Faserverbund, Maschinenbau und Software entwickelt das Unternehmen Produktionsanlagen und Software auf Basis der Fiber Patch Placement (FPP) Technologie: SAMBA und ARTIST STUDIO. Die Anlagen ermöglichen die automatisierte Ablage von Carbon- und Glasfasern, Klebefolien und anderen technischen Fasern auf komplexe 3D-Geometrien. Hersteller nutzen die FPP-Technologie, um z.B. Multimaterial-Composite Flugzeugstrukturen, Verstärkungen für CFK-Drucktanks und andere Hochleistungskomponenten in einem qualitätskontrollierten, vollautomatischen Legeprozess herzustellen. Der Umstieg von konventionellen Verfahren auf Fiber Patch Placement ermöglicht Kosten- und Zeiteinsparungen von 20-60%.
Weitere Informationen:
Cevotec GmbH
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82008 Unterhaching bei München
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