Portrait of the inventor of Milka chocolate, a youthful work by the artist Erwin Bowien, rediscovered in a private collection in Munich

After extensive research, this drawing of Erwin Bowien by Carl Russ Suchard was obviously made in 1916 in Serrière in the immediate vicinity of Neuchâtel, where the Suchard chocolate factory was located. Carl Russ Suchard was the first patron, sponsor and collector of the then 17-year-old Bowien. Suchard was a friend of Bowien’s father, whom he had met at the German club in Neuchâtel, and was one of the first to recognize Bowien’s artistic potential. The "Clou": Suchard came from Solingen and was the first link between Bowien and Solingen.
Almost 30 years later, Erwin Bowien moved to Solingen in 1945 after fleeing the Nazi regime and spending time in exile. It was here that Erna Heinen-Steinhoff (1898 – 1969) and Erwin Bowien officially founded the "Schwarze Haus" Artists‘ Colony in Solingen. This became a fixed point in Erwin Bowien’s extremely adventurous and unsettled life as a chronist, artist colonist, travelling painter and European before his time. Together with Bettina Heinen-Ayech (1937-2020) and Amud Uwe Millies (1932-2008), Erwin Bowien formed the painting protagonists of the Solingen Artists‘ Colony.
The rediscovery of the portrait drawing of the chocolate manufacturer and inventor of Milka chocolate Carl Russ Suchard is special news, as it establishes and documents Erwin Bowien’s work as a contemporary witness, painter and chronist at an early stage.
Fifty years after his death, Erwin Bowien is currently experiencing a new renaissance. In an article in the art magazine "ArtProfil", art expert Cristina Streckfuss has once again shed light on the many facets of Bowien’s life and work. The Institute of Swiss Art History in Zurich has added the homepage www.erwin-bowien.com to the digital Swiss National Library.
Erwin Bowien is currently in the spotlight not only as a painter and chronist, but especially as the founder of the Artists‘ Colony known as the "Black House" in Solingen. The Solingen Artists‘ Colony "Black House" has been recognized as a partner member of the "European Federation of Artist Colonies" – euroart. In spring 2023, the "Black House" Artists‘ Colony was also included in the Council of Europe’s Impressionisms Routes© cultural route. Both honours of particular European relevance.
More information about the Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation and Erwin Bowien can be found at:
Dr. Haroun Ayech
Neuenkamperstrasse 163
42657 Solingen
Telefon: +49 (151) 42221142