Agronomic Analysis of soils according to MINISTERIAL DECREE 13 September 1999 SO n 185 GU n 248 21/10/1999

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The analysis of soil for agronomic purposes is useful for the defining fertility and providing fertilization recommendations.
A correct and balanced supply of fertilizers allows first to contain production costs and then to obtain the maximum yield from crops. The starting point is therefore the chemical-physical analysis of the soil, which allows us to evaluate the availability of the elements, the relationships between them and the presence of factors that modify their availability.
The supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium can be easily estimated by comparing the analytical results with comparative tables.
An element may be present in good quantities but not be available for crops that preferentially absorb others. For this reason, it is important to carefully evaluate the Carbon/Nitrogen, Calcium/Magnesium and Magnesium/Potassium ratios, as well as taking into account pH, which can significantly modify the solubility of many elements.
It is also possible to determine the quantity of total limestone, but above all active limestone, which is essential to avoid iron chlorosis phenomena in plants, and it is possible the search for microelements or heavy metals in cases where the crop has shown nutritional deficiencies or excess or intoxications.
On January 2024 MK srl, laboratory in Città di Castello, has accredited (according to ISO/IEC 17025) the method of analysis for the determination of Total nitrogen, Organic carbon, Organic matter, C/N ratio, Conductivity, pH, Particle size composition (Sand, Silt, Clay).
The analysis method for the determination of this parameters is the MINISTERIAL DECREE 13 September 1999 SO n 185 GU n 248 21/10/1999 and is accredited according to ISO 17025 by ACCREDIA.
The methods were verified by certified matrix analysis and tested through participation in international interlaboratory circuits.
The laboratory is ready to provide this service in the territory and throughout Italy thanks to Tentamus logistics network.
About MK Analysis Laboratory
The MK laboratory is a safe and reliable partner for chemical and microbiological analysis on food, feed, water, air, soil and surfaces.
It also provides companies with a consultancy service on environmental prevention and compliance with the relative regulations in force. Please find further information at
Tentamus Group GmbH
An der Industriebahn 26
13088 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
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