Visiting the heart of Europe

However, the students should not only deal with European integration in theory, but also experience the spirit of Europe. A very special excursion was therefore on the agenda at the end of the event. After all, where better to experience Europe than in the city in the middle of the continent, which is home to the European Parliament and many other European institutions? Located on the French-German border, it has become a symbol of reconciliation between the two nations after centuries of war and conflict. The final excursion of the "We are EUrope" event from the TUM Campus Heilbronn led to Strasbourg.
From dream to unity
Accompanied by Prof. Marc Ringel, Director of the Franco-German Institute, and his deputy Dr. Stefan Seidendorf, the students first visited the exhibition "The European Project: From Dream to Unity" at the Lieu d’Europe. There, Ringel and Seidendorf provided them with expert explanations and insights into the history of European integration, its outstanding protagonists, the functioning of the EU institutions and Franco-German relations as the nucleus of Europe-wide understanding.
A short walk then led, past numerous European institutions, to the European Parliament. There, the highlight of the day was on the agenda: an exchange with Rainer Wieland, outgoing Vice-President of the body. He reported on his experiences from 27 years as a Member of Parliament and did not hold back: "Serious politicians should leave the promise competition and get into a delivering competition. We need to deliver more and promise less," he demanded. Europe must confidently formulate its own interests on the world stage without appearing aggressive.
Wieland then took the guests on a tour around the impressive parliament building. The students were given the opportunity to visit the huge plenary chambers and then enjoy the unique view of Strasbourg from the roof terrace. A tour of the historic city center rounded off the varied program.
What will the students take away from the day? It is a gift to live and study in Europe in these times. European integration is a blessing and a success story. But also: freedom and democracy cannot be taken for granted, they have to be defended every day.
Unique opportunity, valuable exchange
"I am quite impressed by the Parliament and the opportunity to meet the Vice-President, talk to him, learn from him and at the same time get to know the history of Strasbourg," said Fathia Ismail, a student at TUM Campus Heilbronn. Yujie Meng, a doctoral student at the TUM School of Management, had a similar view: "We were given the unique opportunity to take a tour of the Parliament building with the Vice-President of the European Parliament. We got a good overview of the European Parliament, and the discussions and exchanges were also very valuable."
Student Mihai Rusu, who represented 42 Heilbronn at the cross-university "We Are EUrope" event, was also very satisfied: "Hearing the Vice-President’s opinion on various topics was the highlight of the day for me. He was able to speak completely openly because he has finished his term of office." Marc Ringel summed up the day particularly well: "I hope that we took away a lot of ideas and saw on a large and small scale how Europe works and how diverse it is." He would be very happy for the event to be repeated next year: "We want to, if you want to."
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