Wie ein Laser-Messsystem die Effizienz und Kosteneinsparungen bei Wärmetauschern steigert
Breaking News:
Kathmandu Nepal
Donnerstag, Feb. 6, 2025
Durchführung der Bohrungsprüfung:
Während des Messvorgangs führt die CNC-Maschine die rotierende Lasersonde nacheinander in die zu kontrollierenden Löcher ein, entsprechend dem gewählten Algorithmus. Die Lasersonde überträgt die Messdaten an das Tablet, wo die Software die geometrischen Parameter jedes Lochs berechnet und zeigt sie als Zahl und mit einer Übersichtskarte „in Ordnung“ / „nicht in Ordnung“ an. Nach Abschluss der Messungen wird ein Bericht erstellt.
Das System konnte die Produktqualität und den Ausstoß erheblich verbessern sowie die Messkosten und -zeiten deutlich reduzieren.
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— English —
How a Laser Measurement System Enhances Efficiency and Cost Savings in Heat Exchanger Production
The tube sheet is an essential component of heat exchangers, typically a round plate with many (up to several thousand) holes. One of the most important indicators of tube sheet quality is the compliance of the diameter of all holes with the specified value. Currently, diameter control is done manually, and given the number of holes, it is a very labor-intensive process.
To increase productivity and reliability of control, eliminating the human factor, we have developed a system for automated measurement of tube sheet holes. The operation of the system is based on the principle of scanning the inner surface of holes with a rotating laser triangulation sensor.
Main components of the system:
Hole inspection is performed as follows:
During the measurement process, the machine sequentially, in accordance with the selected algorithm, inserts a rotating laser probe into the controlled hole. The laser probe transmits measurement data to the tablet, and the tablet software calculates the geometric parameters of each hole and displays them in both digital and graphical color-coded formats. After completing the measurements, a report is generated.
Main parameters:
Using the system has allowed the customer to significantly improve product quality and output, as well as greatly reduce measurement costs and time.
Learn more about our innovative solutions and how they can benefit your business. Visit us on our homepage.
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