Z-LASER launches the world’s brightest eye-safe laser

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Kathmandu Nepal
Mittwoch, März 19, 2025
The Z-LASER ZQ1-MagicLine from Freiburg-based Z-LASER GmbH is the world’s brightest and most eye-safe class 2M positioning laser. It is the latest innovation in the company’s 35-year success story.
With an optical output power of 600 mW and classification in laser class 2M, the Z-LASER ZQ1-MagicLine sets new standards in visibility and safety as the world’s brightest eye-safe laser. This means that the ZQ1-MagicLine not only provides exceptional visibility in challenging light situations, but also meets the strictest safety requirements.
The Z-LASER ZQ1-MagicLine has been specially developed for industrial applications where visibility and eye safety are important. Christian Rees, Product Manager at Z-LASER: „With its wavelength of 520 nm and green laser light, the Z-LASER ZQ1-MagicLine not only offers improved visibility for the human eye, but also enables long and highly visible laser lines thanks to its aperture angle of 70°. “
The individual adjustment of the line width by manual focusing further extends the versatility of the Z-LASER ZQ1-MagicLine and makes it an indispensable tool in a wide range of industries – from precision manufacturing to complex logistics tasks.
Core features of the Z-LASER ZQ1-MagicLine
Z-LASER GmbH, based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, has been a leader in the development and manufacture of innovative laser solutions since 1985. With more than 75,000 products sold per year, a global presence, and a dedicated team of over 120 employees, Z-LASER GmbH has established itself as a reliable partner in numerous industries worldwide. Z-LASER GmbH is part of the Exaktera group of companies, which specializes in cutting-edge technologies. Within this group, Z-LASER GmbH contributes its comprehensive know-how and many years of experience in the field of laser technologies.
Merzhauser Str. 134
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644-44