Online Event: Detector Talks 2024

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Infrared Filters and Infrared Emitters
There are a large number of gases that differ minimally to extremely in their composition. Infrared filters (IR filters) capture precisely the radiation information that is relevant for a measurement. To ensure that only what needs to be measured is measured, selecting the right IR filter is a key success factor for users of pyroelectric detectors. More information about the role of infrared emitters will be given in one of the exclusive practical presentations at “Detector Talks 2024 – Infrared Filter and Emitter”.
The Topics at a Glance
Online Event
„Detector Talks 2024 – Infrared Filters and Emitters”
Date: Wednesday, 06 November 2024
Time: 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM (EST)
Lectures from Practice
„Thermal IR Emitters for Gas Detection and IR Spectroscopy"
Dr. Marco Schossig, Infrasolid
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Take advantage of the opportunity to expand or refresh your knowledge in a lively way and engage in direct dialogue with the application specialists and speakers.
The InfraTec infrared sensor and measurement technology company was founded in 1991 and has its headquarters in Dresden, Germany. The privately held company employs more than 240 employees and has its own design, manufacturing and distribution capabilities.
With its infrared measurement business unit, InfraTec is one of the leading suppliers of commercial thermal imaging technology. In addition to the high-end camera series ImageIR® and the VarioCAM® High Definition series, InfraTec offers turnkey thermographic automation solutions e. g. for industry processes, non-destructive testing and fire detection and prevention.
The infrared sensor division produces custom-made components on more than 1.600 m² of clean room space – especially pyroelectrical infrared detectors – for clients worldwide. The product range includes analogue single and multi-channel detectors as well as digital multi-channel detectors (PyrIQ). The detectors are used, for example, in gas analysis, fire and flame sensors and spectroscopy.
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 – 63
01217 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 82876-543