Regulatory aspects of plastic selection

The course will take place for the first time on Wednesday and Thursday, October 28 and 29, 2024, at the SKZ headquarters in Würzburg and will provide comprehensive knowledge of regulatory aspects that must be taken into account when selecting plastics. The new course focuses on the most important material compliance regulations and specific requirements in the plastics industry in general, but also specifically for medical technology. The latest information on PFAS and the REACH regulation are also part of the seminar.
Uncertainty with regulatory customer enquiries
During the practical group exercises, the theoretical content is deepened in order to consolidate the knowledge acquired and to prepare the participants for practical application. Each group works on different tasks and presents their results in plenary. The exercises include answering regulatory queries, formulating statements and designing presentations on regulatory topics for management. The target group for the new course includes specialists who are often unsure about which materials or substances may be used or which declarations are required when dealing with regulatory customer inquiries.
Frequent inquiries about material compliance
"We are often confronted with inquiries about material compliance. In smaller companies, operational responsibility for this usually lies either with quality management, purchasing or directly with the management. Keeping an overview and knowing the right steps is often not easy,” says Christoph Kreutz, Group Manager Training Center Quality Management at SKZ in Würzburg. "We have set up this course to support the people who have to fulfill this task in day-to-day business. I am delighted that we have been able to gain a competent partner with many years of expertise in Gradical."
Ever-increasing challenges for many companies
"Regulations can be adapted from time to time, but this presents plastics processing companies and medical technology companies with ever-increasing challenges. The intensive course gives companies the opportunity to gain an up-to-date overview of the most important material compliance regulations and the requirements in medical technology,” says Lucas Pianegonda, Managing Director at Gradical GmbH.
Registration is now open. Further information on the course content and dates
More information about Gradical
The SKZ is climate protection company and a member of the Zuse Association. This is an association of independent, industry-related research institutions that pursue the goal of improving the performance and competitiveness of industry, especially SMEs, through innovation and networking.
FSKZ e. V.
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 931 4104-0