Actionable Steps for Compliance and Efficiency with E-Invoicing

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The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Asia Pacific will take place in Kuala Lumpur from November 25 to 27, 2024.
The focus of the event is how E-Invoicing can help transform AR and AP functions with discussions of the typical challenges of E-Invoicing implementation projects. International stakeholders and renowned experts will delve into practical issues that companies and E-Invoicing providers encounter, the state-of-play for E-Invoicing mandates, and what lessons can be learned from regions that have already implemented E-Invoicing.
Key topics from the agenda
+ Malaysia’s E-Invoicing for Business Digitalisation and Tax Compliance
+ Driving Digitalisation across APAC with Internationally Interoperable E-Invoicing
+ Global Interoperability and the Peppol International Invoice
+ Big Data vs Big Brother – How Mirror Visibility Drives Indirect Tax Consolidation
+ Energy Supply Chain Network: Rising Above E-Invoicing and Financial Compliance
+ The 4-Corner Model for E-Invoice Exchange
+ DBN-Alliance Exchange Framework: The Global Digital B2B Highway in North America
+ Mastering E-Invoicing Now: Actionable Steps for Compliance and Efficiency
+ Country updates from Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, India and Germany
An exhibition of the leading industry partners in the field of E-Invoicing, tax reporting, and process automation will be featured.
More information on the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit:
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