Optimized production for customer markets of the future

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Kathmandu Nepal
Dienstag, März 18, 2025
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe is pressing ahead with the modernization of its production facilities at the Duisburg site. As part of the Strategy 20-30, the casting and rolling line, which has been in operation for over 25 years, was taken out of operation this evening and will be replaced by a state-of-the-art continuous casting line and a modernized hot strip mill. These measures are taking place two weeks earlier than planned and mark a significant milestone for sustainable and innovative steel production at the Duisburg site. The ramp-up of the new continuous casting line 4 and hot strip mill 4 with two new walking beam furnaces is scheduled as of May 2025.
Focus on customer markets of the future
‘As planned, we are continuing to make targeted investments to strengthen our Duisburg site,’ explains Dennis Grimm, Spokesman of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp Steel. ‘With the fundamentally modernized hot strip mill 4 and the conversion and new construction of continuous casters 3 and 4, we are setting the course for our future viability, especially in terms of efficiency and profitability. By separating and converting our casting androlling line, we are making our production network more flexible and increasing the availability of our systems. We are thus preparing ourselves for the coming requirements of our customers in target markets that are important to us, such as mobility and energy.’
By optimizing its production network, thyssenkrupp Steel is continuing to focus its product portfolio on future markets and profitable premium products. These include multiphase steels and lightweight steels as well as grades with high surface quality. In addition, the production of high-quality electrical steel grades, which are indispensable for the energy and mobility transition, will be strengthened.
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 100
47166 Duisburg
Telefon: +49 (203) 52-0
Telefax: +49 (203) 52-25102