INDU-SCAN base – Thermography Automation Solution for Industrial Applications

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A solution that can be customised for continuous use in industrial applications
INDU-SCAN base is a universal turnkey thermography automation solution integrating up to three thermography cameras (VarioCAM® HD series or TarisIR® mini) using Power over Ethernet (PoE). The cameras have the flexibility to be configured to meet the requirements of the measuring task to be carried out. This includes camera parameters such as resolution, frame rate, measuring range and suitable infrared lens, plus accessory components. The software facilitates convenient remote control and configuration of the cameras. Furthermore, live images, temperature characteristics and events from each camera can be displayed in a user-friendly format. Warning and alarm thresholds for detecting critical changes to the object being measured can be set with just a few clicks. Likewise conveniently set is the the transmission of digital signals to the production control system via the included dry contact PoE powered process interface. Designed for 24/7 operation, the cameras deliver high resolution and thermal sensitivity so that even the most minor temperature deviation can be captured with precision. Thanks to high-speed Gigabit-Ethernet data transmission, events can be processed in real time, making for efficient monitoring.
Easy to install and expand
One of the major advantages of INDU-SCAN base is how easy it is to install. Thanks to a modular design, the system can be expanded at will by adding more cameras or accessories. This offers businesses investment security, because the system can be adapted to meet future requirements. The experts at InfraTec provide support in the form of comprehensive consultation and are with users at every step of the way, from planning a system configuration to its implementation and beyond to the ideal configuration to meet process requirements.
Major advantages at a glance:
High-performance software for optimum monitoring
The INDU-SCAN base software features a user-friendly interface for controlling the cameras and displays live measurement and image data in a clear format. User-defined testing ranges, warning and alarm thresholds. Temperature/time characteristics in graph format enable precise analyses. The software logs events and archives image data for downstream analysis. A process interface makes the integration into existing production systems straightforward.
Versatile application options
The versatility of INDU-SCAN base makes it suitable for use in numerous different applications:
This turnkey thermography automation solution helps to make production processes more efficient, minimise downtimes and increase safety. Thanks to its flexibility and performance, INDU-SCAN base is the ideal solution for businesses that need a reliable and cost-effective monitoring solution that is fit for the future.
INDU-SCAN base is InfraTec’s scalable, flexible and reasonably priced solution for the monitoring and automation of production processes. It is ideal for applications that require a durable and reliable thermography system for use 24/7. Decades of experience in industrial thermography automation combined with continuous advancements in-house at InfraTec ensure that customers can be confident of using INDU-SCAN successfully for many years to come.
Die InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik wurde 1991 gegründet und hat ihren Stammsitz in Dresden. Das inhabergeführte Unternehmen beschäftigt mehr als 240 Mitarbeiter und verfügt über eigene Entwicklungs-, Fertigungs- und Vertriebskapazitäten.
Mit dem Geschäftsbereich Infrarot-Messtechnik zählt InfraTec zu den führenden Anbietern kommerzieller Wärmebildtechnologie. Neben der High-End-Kameraserie ImageIR® und der Produktfamilie VarioCAM® High Definition bietet das Unternehmen schlüsselfertige thermografische Automationslösungen für u. a. Industrieprozesse, zerstörungsfreie Prüfung und Brandschutzmaßnahmen.
Im Geschäftsbereich Infrarot-Sensorik werden am Stammsitz pyroelektrische Detektoren entwickelt und gefertigt. Das Sortiment umfasst neben analogen ein- und mehrkanaligen Detektoren auch digitale Mehrkanal-Detektoren (PyrIQ). Die Detektoren kommen z. B. bei der Gasanalyse, der Feuer- und Flammensensorik sowie der Spektroskopie zum Einsatz.
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 – 63
01217 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 82876-543