„Revolutionizing recycling: EREMA Group’s vision for a sustainable circular economy“

Breaking News:
Kathmandu Nepal
Montag, März 10, 2025
Clemens Kitzberger: EREMA Group is the world’s leading manufacturer of plastics recycling solutions. The EREMA Group stands for a plastics industry that takes responsibility for resources. In order to implement the declared goal of the Circular Economy within the plastics industry, the group covers a broad portfolio. The members of the EREMA Group provide the entire spectrum of mechanical plastics recycling – from the planning and engineering of recycling technologies to washing and drying as well as the production of system components and trading in used systems. Supported by subsidiaries in the USA, China and Africa, and a worldwide network of representatives, around 8,500 recycling systems are currently in operation in more than 110 countries worldwide recycling around 25 million tonnes of plastic every year.
ICM: You are hosting the plant tour at IERC 2025, what will our delegates visit?
Clemens Kitzberger: We are pleased to welcome the delegates to our headquarters in Ansfelden near Linz. Here, we develop, produce and implement tailor-made recycling solutions for the processing of plastics in the post-consumer, in-house, bottle-to-bottle and fibre sectors. Our product portfolio is on display in our Customer Centre, giving visitors an insight into the different technologies and the specifics of each application. They can also see a selection of products made with recyclates from our machines. From lifestyle products such as backpacks to toys as well as films and beverage bottles. Delegates will also have the opportunity to see how our machines are manufactured. Machines and components for plastics recycling are produced on more than 10,000 m² at the Ansfelden site.
ICM: How have your recent innovations and strategic initiatives positioned your company to effectively navigate and leverage growth opportunities in this expanding market?
Clemens Kitzberger: Our vision is that the circular economy for plastics will be a reality by 2030. As EREMA Group, we are and will continue to be the driving force in achieving this goal. Innovation is the key to competitiveness and is also what makes Austrian and European companies stand out internationally. The EREMA Group has invested heavily in research and development in recent years. Our advanced technologies and recycling solutions help to close the loop and set standards in the industry. For example, our INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact, which, thanks to its compact design and finest double filtration, raises recycled pellet quality and energy efficiency even further – including in particularly challenging applications. Further examples are our COREMA® technology for recycling and compounding in a single processing step, or our high-precision melt filters. Some of these recycling systems are in use to process waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) for applications in the electronics and automotive sectors. We also focus on comprehensive service offerings and digital solutions to provide our customers with the best possible support for their individual requirements.
ICM AG is the international leader in circular economy congress organisation, specialising in vehicle, electronics and battery recycling as well as e-mobility; some of the fastest-growing markets and waste streams in the world. Headquartered in Switzerland, ICM has been organizing conferences in Europe, North America and Asia since 2000. Jeanette Burri-Duttlinger, the company founder, manages a team that speaks English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Serbian, Croatian and Chinese. www.icm.ch
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