ENERANDO Selects Gireve for Seamless EV Charging Roaming

ENERANDO, a German specialist in charging infrastructure and sustainable energy solutions, has chosen Gireve as its roaming partner. Through the OCPI 2.2.1 integration, customers benefit from a seamless, user-friendly charging experience and additional revenue opportunities.

ENERANDO is a German company specializing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure and sustainable and innovative energy solutions. They bring together expertise in EV technology, energy systems, and IT. They support businesses in navigating the challenges of mobility and energy transition. Their mission is to enable companies to achieve ecological and economic sustainability in their operations.

ENERANDO chooses Gireve as a roaming partner

ENERANDO selected Gireve as its preferred roaming partner. Thanks to this partnership, Gireve’s extensive eMSP portfolio will drive traffic and revenue for ENERANDO and their customers. By becoming part of this vast network of over 570,000 charging stations across Europe, ENERANDO offers EV drivers charging wherever they travel, using their preferred app or means of payment. They also benefit from boosted utilization of charging infrastructure and additionally generated revenue streams.

OCPI 2.2.1 connection

The seamless technological integration between Gireve and ENERANDO platforms is facilitated by the OCPI standard, guaranteeing a smooth and reliable user experience. The operator got connected with 2.2.1 version, which is the latest version available on Gireve’s platform. Gireve’s streamlined and user-friendly onboarding process further ensures a swift and efficient integration. “We are delighted to welcome ENERANDO to Gireve’s network,” said Felix Mühl Business Manager at Gireve. “This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to foster a more interconnected and user-friendly EV charging ecosystem. By leveraging OCPI, we are confident that we can deliver significant value to ENERANDO and its customers.”

Enhancing ENERANDO’s offer

This strategic partner choice allows the company to expand its charging network and provide its customers with an even more seamless and enjoyable charging experience. “We are thrilled to partner with Gireve,” said Frank Reichenbach, Chief Product Officer at ENERANDO. “This collaboration will significantly enhance our service offerings and provide our customers with a truly seamless and convenient charging experience. Gireve’s expertise in OCPI and its robust platform make them the ideal partner to help us achieve our goals.”

Learn more about ENERANDO: website

To learn more about tariff management in OCPI, click on this link to see the webinar.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ENERANDO Technologies GmbH
Schleißheimer Str. 91a
85748 Garching bei München
Telefon: +49 (163) 3114792

Matthias Schmid
Telefon: +498954197011
E-Mail: info@enerando.energy
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