PYRONEER Series becomes Moisture Resistant

Spectrometers are used worldwide under diverse climatic conditions. Their dependable performance relies on the integrated pyroelectric detector’s ability to withstand fluctuating environmental conditions. A key element here is the entrance window for infrared radiation in the detector’s cap. Located in a cap welded to the detector base, this window acts as a potential entry point for moisture into the detector.

ZnSe ARC: New window material ensuring moisture resistance
InfraTec uses potassium bromide (KBr) windows, renowned for their broadband high infrared transmission, for its PYRONEER family of metal blackbody detectors. However, exposing a detector to a damp environment can permanently impair the transmission capabilities of KBr. In addition, moisture infiltration through the window adhesive can degrade the detector’s performance.

InfraTec takes detector stability and reliability to the next level with its high-performance PYRONEER family. For particularly harsh environments, there is now an alternative to the KBr window: soldered zinc selenide (ZnSe) featuring an antireflection coating (ARC). The detector is optimized in two ways. ZnSe is inherently more resistant to moisture. The ZnSe window is soldered into the detector cap to create a hermetically sealed connection that stop moisture from entering.

Alternative window materials
InfraTec is expanding its range of window materials: alongside KBr and the soldered ZnSe ARC introduced here, diamond and HDPE windows will also be available in the future.

PYRONEER detectors for harsh environments
Under fluctuating environmental conditions, such as those encountered when using mobile FTIR spectrometers, the PYRONEER series detectors with ZnSe windows provide a dependable solution to ensure optimal performance under all operating conditions. Even when conditions for using the spectrometer as a stationary laboratory device cannot always be controlled to maintain consistently low humidity, a detector from the PYRONEER series is still the ideal choice.

Über InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik

The InfraTec infrared sensor and measurement technology company was founded in 1991 and has its headquarters in Dresden, Germany. The privately held company employs more than 240 employees and has its own design, manufacturing and distribution capabilities.

The infrared sensor division produces custom-made components – especially pyroelectrical infrared detectors – for clients worldwide. The product range includes analogue single and multi-channel detectors as well as digital multi-channel detectors (PyrIQ). The detectors are used, for example, in gas analysis, fire and flame sensors and spectroscopy.

With its infrared measurement business unit, InfraTec is one of the leading suppliers of commercial thermal imaging technology. In addition to the high-end camera series ImageIR® and the camera series TarisIR® and VarioCAM® High Definition, InfraTec offers turnkey thermographic automation solutions e. g. for industry processes, non-destructive testing and fire detection and prevention.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 – 63
01217 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 82876-543

Stephan Braun
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-700
Fax: +49 (351) 82876-543
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