Softing Introduces New Version of Gateway for Integration of FOUNDATION Fieldbus into Modbus Systems

Softing Industrial announces the release of version V1.21 of the FG-200 gateway. With optimized hardware and firmware features, the gateway sets new standards for the reliable connection of FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 (FF H1) field devices to Ethernet-based control and asset management systems.

The FG-200, a proven gateway for integrating FF H1 field devices, is specifically designed for process automation. It allows up to four FF H1 segments to be connected to small- to medium-sized control systems via Modbus TCP or FF HSE. In addition, it provides advanced asset management functionality that enables parallel use of tools such as Emerson AMS Device Manager and FDT-based applications.

New Features in Version V1.21:

  • Improved Communication Stability: The revised hardware enhances reliable communication even in environments prone to interference.
  • Enhanced Firmware Functions: Several issues from the previous version have been resolved, further increasing reliability and user-friendliness.

Unique Benefits of the FG-200: 

  • Visitor Host Support: The FG-200 is the only gateway of its kind to provide an additional asset management interface for FF H1 field devices. 
  • Flexible Integration: Besides control system integration, FG 200 allows simultaneous access to FF H1 field devices via asset management tools without interfering with existing control solutions. 
  • Future-proof: Ongoing development by Softing Industrial ensures long-term usability and compatibility with modern applications.

The FG-200 is the ideal solution for system integrators and plant operators in process automation, particularly in the oil and gas industry. It supports the optimization of existing systems and facilitates the implementation of modern asset management applications.

For more information on the new version of the FG-200, as well as documentation and data sheets, please visit the product page.

Über die Softing Industrial Automation GmbH

Softing connects disparate automation components to feed data from the shop floor to the cloud for control and analytics. The company’s products enable communications networks to be monitored and diagnosed to ensure a reliable data flow, thereby creating the basis for optimizing production processes. For more information, please visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Softing Industrial Automation GmbH
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
85540 Haar bei München
Telefon: +49 (89) 45656-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 45656-488

Stephanie Widder
Product Marketing
Telefon: +49 (89) 45656-365
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