AMPYR Solar Europe Completes Northwold PV Project, Enhancing the UK’s Green Energy Transition

AMPYR Solar Europe (ASE) is proud to announce the successful completion and grid connection of its latest solar PV project in Northwold, UK. The project marks another milestone in ASE’s mission to drive the energy transition across Europe and the first solar farm to be delivered in partnership with Multiplex Construction Europe Ltd.

The Northwold PV project boasts a generation capacity of 10 MWp, covering 19 hectares and comprising 16,380 solar panels. The installation will generate approximately 11,448 MWh per year, supplying over 4,200 households with green energy and saving an estimated 3,600 tons of CO₂ emissions annually.

A key feature of this project is the integration of a 7.5 MW battery storage system, which will be managed by GridBeyond. This system plays a key role in incorporating more renewable energy into the grid and providing support during peak demand periods.

The Northwold project is ASE’s second solar PV installation in the UK, following the successful completion of its Edinburgh Airport project. It is also the first solar PV project to be built under the recently announced Nord/LB financing facility, which provides up to £200 million in project finance.…
Additionally, the project benefits from an underwritten Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Multiplex.…
Multiplex is the first and currently the only contractor in the UK with its own solar farm. From 1st April, four major construction projects, located in the heart of London, will be powered by green energy offset under this power purchase arrangement, with the intention that all new projects will subsequently fall under this arrangement.

With the completion of Northwold, ASE has expanded its operational UK portfolio to 20 MWp, with a further 180MWp of consented projects awaiting construction, reinforcing its commitment to the UK’s 2030 decarbonization plan. The company continues to grow as a leading European Independent Power Producer (IPP), with an aggregate 8 GWp pipeline across the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Tarun Agrawal, CEO of AMPYR Solar Europe, commented: “This project represents another important step in our commitment to a cleaner, greener future. With the Northwold PV installation, we are not only expanding our European renewable energy portfolio but also demonstrating our dedication to the UK’s decarbonization goals. We are excited to continue our journey in enabling a sustainable energy transition.”

Über AMPYR Solar Europe LP

Headquartered in London, with offices in Maastricht, Utrecht, Frankfurt and Berlin, AMPYR Solar Europe is an Independent Solar Developer and IPP with in-house end-to-end capability across Asset Development, Financing, Construction, Operations and Power Sales. AMPYR Solar Europe’s unique platform benefits from a highly experienced sponsor group: AGP Sustainable Real Assets brings extensive experience in establishing and operating GW scale renewable platforms; Hartree Partners’ cutting edge power trading analytics and zero-carbon solutions; as well as ESI’s in-depth local knowledge and land development capability.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

AMPYR Solar Europe LP
25 Old Broad Street, Tower 42, 14th floor
EC2N 1HN London
Telefon: +44 (20) 3314-9182

Cyrus Dadachnji
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