Andreas Graf is President of the IWK Group

Andreas Graf has taken over the management of IWK Verpackungstechnik GmbH in Stutensee, Germany, effective March 6, 2025. In his role as President of the entire IWK Group, he will be responsible for global business activities, including strategic planning and employee management. His expertise in lean manufacturing, employee engagement and business development will be instrumental in driving IWK’s continued success and innovation as a manufacturer of packaging systems for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and non-food industries.

Mr. Graf has extensive knowledge as a managing director in the international packaging industry, particularly in the pharmaceutical and personal care sectors, which are also IWK’s core markets. His extensive experience in leadership, change management and strategic growth in the manufacturing and automation industries makes him the ideal candidate for this role.

With Andreas Graf, the IWK Group will further improve profitability and operational excellence and strategically expand IWK’s market position as a leading manufacturer of packaging systems.

Georg Sposny

Über die IWK Verpackungstechnik GmbH

IWK Verpackungstechnik GmbH is a leading global supplier of packaging systems in the pharmaceutical, medical technology, cosmetics, food and non-food sectors and has stood for cutting-edge technology with outstanding performance and maximum reliability since 1893. The range of services includes development, design, manufacture, assembly and commissioning of complex production lines and individual components. The specialist for the filling and packaging of primary, secondary and tertiary packaging provides its customers with advice and support. IWK is part of the ATS Corporation and operates worldwide with innovative technology at the highest level and comprehensive service.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

IWK Verpackungstechnik GmbH
Lorenzstraße 6
76297 Stutensee
Telefon: +49 7244 968-0
Telefax: +49 7244 960-73

Georg Sposny
PR & Content Manager
Telefon: 00497244968124
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