ARJES, Zemmler, Rockster and EuRec – Together at bauma 2025!

The bauma 2025, the world’s largest trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines and mining equipment, will open its doors in Munich from April 7 to 13 and will once again bring together the industry’s leading companies. This year, ARJES GmbH, Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH, Rockster Austria International GmbH and EuRec Environmental Technology GmbH will be exhibiting together at the Messe München – Outdoor Exhibition Area South. Visitors can expect an impressive portfolio of high-performance machines for the sustainable and efficient processing of construction and demolition waste that they should not miss.


The COMPAKTOR 300 is no stranger to the global recycling market. Disposal companies in the construction and demolition industry in particular value the ARJES brand for its extremely flexible and compact two-shaft shredder with a total weight of approx. 15 tonnes. Its versatility is demonstrated by its ability to process a wide range of materials – from construction waste and concrete to wood, commercial waste, rubber, waste tires and even aluminium. The processing capacity varies depending on the material and ranges from 5 – 15 tonnes per hour for commercial waste to an impressive 80 – 100 tonnes per hour for construction and demolition waste. Technical highlights include the ARJES quick-change system for the shredding shafts and the option of using different shaft types depending on the material requirements, in addition to the chain drive and hook lift function. Further technical optimisations have been carried out by ARJES in recent months and can be inspected on site.

Zemmler MS 3200

The Zemmler MS 3200 double drum screening machine was developed for small businesses, local authorities, gardening and landscaping. With a screening capacity of up to 60 m³/h, a screening drum length of 3,200 mm and a screening surface of 18 m², the Zemmler offers an unrivalled price-performance ratio. Thanks to interchangeable wire screens (2 – 80 mm) and the option of converting the plant from a two-fraction to a three-fraction system in minutes, the MS 3200 offers maximum flexibility. The electric drive ensures energy-efficient operation, while the optional diesel drive provides additional versatility. With a loading height of 2,500 mm, it can be loaded effortlessly with excavators and wheel loaders, while the 2-axle central trailer chassis (80 km/h, StVZO-compliant) ensures high mobility. The compact MS 3200 offers maximum convenience for individual requirements thanks to numerous options such as extended belts, an optional coarse fraction belt or Hardox wear protection equipment for a wide range of applications.

Rockster R 1000

The Rockster R1000 tracked impact crusher combines high quality, preciselly defined cubic final products and versatility in the processing of construction waste, asphalt, concrete and natural stone. The machine is equipped with a powerful circular vibrating screen, a double-functional return or stockpile belt and a hydraulically height-adjustable magnetic separator. A built-in air blower separates light materials such as paper, wood or plastic, resulting in a clean and high-quality cubic end product. The 340 HP CAT Stage V 9.3 engine and the hydrostatic drive system ensure high & constant performance. The central machine control with automatic monitoring and an intuitive colour display, which offers quick start functions and presets, are particularly user-friendly. In addition, the engine compartment is designed for easy access, which makes maintenance & service quick and efficient.

EuRec Ferro 950

The EuRec brand, reactivated by the ARJES team, will be presenting its latest and most powerful two-shaft shredder, the FERRO 950, as an absolute market premiere at bauma 2025. With a total weight of approx. 50 tonnes, the machine impresses with its particularly robust design and powerful shredding system, which ensures efficient processing of particularly resistant materials such as concrete and concrete railway sleepers with reinforcing steel as well as end-of-life vehicles and scrap metal. The FERRO 950 is powered by a John Deere JD 18 engine with 908 hp, which fulfils the strict emission regulations of emission stage V without the use of AdBlue – resulting in reduced maintenance requirements and cost savings. An additionally installed drum magnet ensures the targeted separation of ferrous and non-ferrous material after the shredding process. Despite its impressive size, it remains manoeuvrable and can be used on any terrain thanks to the standard crawler chassis.

Take the opportunity to meet our experts from ARJES, Zemmler, Rockster and EuRec at the joint booth at the Outdoor Exhibition Area FS. 1212/2 in person! Immerse yourself in the latest industry trends and gain exclusive insights into our high-performance machines and systems. Experience all four product highlights up close at the Outdoor Exhibition Area south at Messe Munich and discover how bundled technologies from strong brand manufacturers are driving the future of building materials processing. We look forward to an exciting and inspiring week at bauma 2025.

Über die ARJES GmbH

ARJES GmbH specialises in the development and manufacturing of high-performance recycling machines that are used to treat numerous types of waste. Since foundation in the year 2007, the company stand for innovative product developments in the field of machine and plant engineering and a successful corporate strategy.

With taking over EuRec Environmental Technology GmbH inclusive all buildings and properties of the headquarters, since 2023 ARJES manufactures and sells industrial shredding machines in Merkers, Thuringia.

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36460 Krayenberggemeinde
Telefon: +49 (36969) 58-0

Martin Priewe
Telefon: +49 (3695) 85 855-265
Fax: +49 (3695) 85 855-14
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