Avnet Silica names Hydronauten winner of the Advanced Electronics Challenge for breakthrough AI-driven vibration damping technology

Avnet Silica, an Avnet company (NASDAQ: AVT), announced Hydronauten as the winner of this year’s Advanced Electronics Challenge. The award, presented at embedded world 2025, recognises start-ups’ groundbreaking innovations in hardware-based solutions.

Hydronauten, a start-up based in Rostock, Germany, was awarded for its development of QuietHydro, an advanced active vibration damping system designed for pipelines and pumps. The technology significantly enhances operational safety, service life, and energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption by up to 25% through AI-driven real-time optimisation.

“The Advanced Electronics Challenge was created to support visionary start-ups in bringing innovative ideas to market,” said Michael Speyerer, Country Director DACH & NL, Avnet Silica. “Hydronauten’s QuietHydro technology is a great example of how AI and intelligent control systems can address industrial challenges, providing efficiency gains while improving equipment longevity. We are excited to support their journey.”

By actively reducing harmful pressure pulsations and offering real-time system monitoring, QuietHydro allows for remote maintenance, early fault detection, and seamless integration into smart grid operations. The system’s plug-and-play functionality ensures compatibility with pipelines of any size, offering a scalable solution for industrial and energy applications.

Avnet Silica’s Advanced Electronics Challenge, hosted in collaboration with BayStartUP, Renesas Electronics, and Altium, continues to foster the next generation of hardware-based startups, providing mentorship, technical guidance, and industry exposure.

For more information about the Advanced Electronics Challenge and this year’s winner, visit this link.

Über Avnet Silica (An Avnet Company)

Avnet Silica is the European semiconductor specialist division of Avnet, one of the leading global technology distributors, and acts as the smart connection between customers and suppliers. The distributor simplifies complexity by providing creative solutions, technology and logistics support. Avnet Silica is a partner of leading semiconductor manufacturers and innovative solution providers over many years. With a team of more than 200 application engineers and technical specialists, Avnet Silica supports projects all the way from the idea to the concept to production. Avnet Silica is a regional business unit of Avnet, (NASDAQ: AVT) with European headquarters in Belgium (Avnet Europe BV). For more information, visit www.avnet-silica.com

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As a leading global technology distributor and solutions provider, Avnet has served customers’ evolving needs for an entire century. We support customers at each stage of a product’s lifecycle, from idea to design and from prototype to production. Our unique position at the center of the technology value chain enables us to accelerate the design and supply stages of product development so customers can realize revenue faster. Decade after decade, Avnet helps its customers and suppliers around the world realize the transformative possibilities of technology. Learn more about Avnet at www.avnet.com.

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Avnet Silica (An Avnet Company)
Im Technologiepark 2-8
85586 Poing
Telefon: +49 (8121) 77702
Telefax: +49 (8121) 777-531

Anja Woithe
PR Manager
Telefon: +49 (8121) 774-459
E-Mail: Anja.woithe@avnet.eu
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