Diversity Counts: How Opel Models Meet Women’s Demands

  • Women Perspective Panel: Female perspectives accompany the development process of new Opel vehicles
  • Visible results: New Opel Grandland makes requirements such as a pleasant driving behaviour, top ergonomics and good all-round visibility become real
  • International Women’s Day on March 8: Diversity and equality have a long tradition at Opel

March 8 is International Women’s Day. However, diversity, inclusion and equality are not only a top priority at Opel on this annual day of celebration. Instead these principles are a fundamental part of the corporate culture. The women’s perspective always plays a key role in the development of new models – for the benefit of all drivers and passengers as well as for the success of the brand. This is also demonstrated by the new Opel Grandland.

The Women Perspective Panel at Opel: It is all about the perspective

Women sometimes have different expectations of cars than men. In order to fulfil these expectations, the Women Perspective Panels (WPPs) have been in place for many years. For each vehicle, a dedicated women’s team accompanies the vehicle development process which is an integral part at Opel.

“In the Women Perspective Panel, we bring together female colleagues reflecting many perspectives and life experiences. These are women of different ages and physiques as well as from a wide range of professions at Opel. This team is to provide impetus for the new Opel model to be developed based on their own personal experience,” said Nina Thiele, President Women of Stellantis Germany.

The concept of the Women Perspective Panels has been established for years in all new models. Within various events such as workshops, benchmark and target group analyses as well as test drives, the women have the opportunity to contribute their voices throughout the development process, to change perspectives, to accompany internal steps and follow the implementation of their suggestions.

Design, functionality and quality: Comprehensive WPP support

Thus, in the case of the new Opel Grandland the WPP influenced from the very beginning how the top-of-the-line SUV should be rolled out to customers at market launch. First, the women were able to test various competitor models and thus gain valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses – all with the aim of identifying potential improvements in the development of the new Grandland. The feedback from WPP members on design drafts for the future Grandland was also requested to collect further aesthetic and functional demands.

A special ergonomics and storage workshop then focussed on questions such as: ‘What do we really need?’, ‘How can we make optimal use of the storage space?’ and ‘How can even small people easily reach all the storage compartments?’ The results of the workshop were also directly incorporated into further development. Even a WPP report was created with detailed key aspects, the so-called Key Performance Index. “This KPI was shared with various teams involved in the vehicle development process and could be compared with the results again and again throughout the entire project period,” emphasised Nina Thiele.

Always involved: WPP contributes to the top result of the new Grandland

For the new Grandland, the central demands of the Women Perspective Panel taken from this workshop were:

  • When it comes to interior quality, high-quality materials and clean finish are crucial.
  • Camera systems with cleaning functions contribute to improved all-round visibility.
  • Ergonomics: People of all heights and physiques should feel comfortable in the car.
  • Storage options: In the interior, practical and easily accessible storage compartments, especially in the centre console, are important. The boot must be easily accessible and flexible to use via a flat loading sill.
  • Driving characteristics: Smooth driving behaviour provides a good, safe driving experience with a high level of comfort.
  • Light signature: In addition, illuminated brand emblems such as the Opel Blitz are a real eye-catcher.

In order to be able to assess the development progress achieved, the WPP members were able to drive prototypes again and again during the process and give their feedback. The result: “Mission accomplished: Thanks to our input, we were able to bring many aspects to the new Grandland that are important not only for women, but also for all drivers. These include the pleasant feeling of space in all seats as well as the good steering wheel positioning, the high-quality interior and a great driving experience. The effective rear ventilation including optional seat heating also contributes to the feel-good ambience in the Grandland,” summarises Nina Thiele.

In this way, the Women Perspective Panel has also played a decisive role in ensuring that the new Opel Grandland has impressed both experts and customers since its premiere and has been awarded prestigious titles such as the ‘2024 Golden Steering Wheel’1. The Women Perspective Panel and the new Grandland are perfect examples of how team spirit works at Opel and how a wide variety of perspectives contribute to the success of new models – and this every day.

[1] AUTO BILD edition 46/2024 and BILD am SONNTAG edition 45/2024, category ‘Best car under 50,000 euros’.

Über die Opel Automobile GmbH

Opel is one of the largest European car manufacturers and a leader in the reduction of CO2 emissions thanks to its extensive electrification offensive. The company was founded by Adam Opel in Rüsselsheim, Germany, in 1862 and started building automobiles in 1899. Opel is part of Stellantis NV, a global leader created for the new era of sustainable mobility. Together with its British sister brand Vauxhall, the company is represented in more than 60 countries around the globe, continuing to enter new international markets. Opel is currently consistently implementing its electrification strategy to secure sustainable success and ensure that the future mobility demands of customers are met. An electrified variant of each Opel model can already be ordered today.

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Opel Automobile GmbH
65423 Rüsselsheim
Telefon: +49 (6142) 7-70
Telefax: +49 (6142) 77-8409

Colin Yong
Communications, Manager International Product
Telefon: +49 (6142) 69-22084
E-Mail: colin.yong@stellantis.com
Carina Elsinger
Telefon: +49 (6142) 6927811
E-Mail: carina.elsinger@opel-vauxhall.com
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