Highest IT expertise for the midmarket: ORBIT IT-Solutions is a new partner of Raynet

Raynet, global software vendor with market-leading solutions and complementary managed services for successful end-to-end management of IT projects and IT operations and ORBIT IT-Solutions, an innovative IT service provider specializing in the expansion of IT infrastructures and the transformation of business processes, are entering into a partnership with excellent added value for the midmarket.

The combination of Raynet’s future-oriented technology with ORBIT’s expertise in IT consulting and implementation meets the needs of the (upper) midmarket. The solutions enable customers to protect, optimize, and manage all their hardware and software assets.

“With Raynet, we have gained a strong partner that ideally complements our IT portfolio and we can recommend the SaaS-based IT management platform Raynet One to our customers without hesitation. The customer saves manual effort and time that other complex and often expensive tools require,” says Andreas Rietz, Head of Infrastructure & Platform Services at ORBIT.

Rising digitalization, the complexity of IT infrastructures, hybrid working models and, last but not least, the growing threat of cybercrime are increasing the need for a holistic infrastructure solution. In consideration of this, the partnership between Raynet and ORBIT marks another important step towards efficient and secure IT management for companies.

“We are very pleased that ORBIT IT-Solutions recognizes the potential of our powerful solution and uses it as a valuable addition to their IT portfolio. This partnership opens up new opportunities and lays the foundation for a successful collaboration,” says Isabella Borth, Chief Marketing & Growth Officer & General Manager at Raynet.

About ORBIT 

ORBIT Gesellschaft für Applikations- und Informationssysteme mbH (Bonn) has been a trusted partner for comprehensive and tailored IT consulting since 1985. Customers benefit from a seamless integration of hardware, software, and service solutions from a single source. As a certified Microsoft Partner, we advise companies and customize cloud solutions, concepts, and system landscapes. With a team of over 350 employees, we contribute to the company’s ongoing success. ORBIT is a wholly owned but operationally independent subsidiary of Detecon/T-Systems.

Further information: www.orbit.de

Über die Raynet GmbH

Raynet is a global software vendor with market-leading solutions and managed service provider in the field of Enterprise Software Management. Following the mission "Discover to Manage", Raynet offers the market unique products covering all technologies.

In addition to the headquarters in Paderborn, Raynet has further locations in Germany, the USA, Poland, Turkey, and the UK. With more than 140 highly qualified employees, Raynet has been supporting well-known customers and partners worldwide in their projects with its portfolio since 1999 – from Unified Data Management and Software Asset Management to Software Packaging and Workflow Management to Unified Endpoint Management.

Raynet also maintains strong partnerships with the leading companies in this industry. Raynet products are unique in design and functionality. Their development is highly driven by customers and partners, who play an important role in product optimization and are the main reason why they always occupy a top position.

Whether a new SAM project is to be set up or a deployment tool introduced, a packaging factory planned, or a migration carried out – Raynet is always the best-of-breed partner for all products, services and solutions of Application Lifecycle Management for Enterprises.

Further information: www.raynet-inc.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 54009-29

Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing & Growth Officer
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-2425
Fax: +49 (5251) 54009-29
E-Mail: presse@raynet.de
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