Leading Manufacturer for Biochar Carbon Removal Machines appoints experienced Shell executive as Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

PYREG GmbH, leading German manufacturer of machines for carbonizing organic waste into high quality biochar while generating renewable energy, expands its management team with a new CSO. With Alexander Friedrichkeit, the globally active company gains an experienced international sales strategist from Shell.

PYREG is an award-winning pioneer in the field of CO2 removal by biochar (BCR). With more than 60 plants sold worldwide, PYREG is responsible for the annual removal of more than 60,000 tons of CO2. The market for this scalable carbon removal technology has been on the rise, particularly in the US. As a result, PYREG established its US subsidiary in Portland, Maine in 2022.

"Demand for our systems is growing continuously.", explains Helmut Gerber, CTO and founder of the company. "Producing CO2-sequestering biochar while generating renewable energy not only protects the climate and the environment, but also represents a scalable business case. However, as the scale of projects increases, so do the strategic requirements for project development – from complex financing models to regulatory and compliance issues to certification of carbon removal. This is where Alexander Friedrichkeit, as the new CSO, will be able to leverage his investment and large-scale project experience.

By offering feasibility studies, special financing programs and the marketing of carbon credits, PYREG achieves maximum added value for its customers.

Moritz Koch, chairman of the advisory board of PYREG GmbH, explains: "We are especially pleased to be able to expand our management team with Alexander Friedrichkeit, a highly experienced executive in the global energy and process industries. Alexander will be heading marketing, sales and business development, with a particular focus on expanding strategic partnerships in our target markets.

Alexander Friedrichkeit, says: "After 18 years in senior positions at Shell, I am very excited to be joining a hidden champion: PYREG is a global leader in the scalable market for the removal of carbon dioxide and offers a truly visionary and sustainable business concept with its closed-loop technology and valuable end products. As CSO and member of the management team, I am very much looking forward to scaling projects, ensuring stable growth and making a significant contribution to climate and resource protection together with our customers".

Über die PYREG GmbH

PYREG GmbH is a leading German manufacturer of machines for the carbonization of organic waste (biomass, sewage sludge, etc.) into high-quality biochar and for the generation of renewable energy. All 60 PYREG plants in operation worldwide have the potential to remove a total of 60,000 tons of CO₂ per year.

Biochar is a form of carbon sequestration recognized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as an important technology for permanently removing carbon from the atmosphere. Biochar is produced from biomass residues (e.g. green waste, wood chips) and other organic materials through a process called pyrolysis, in which the feedstock is heated to over 500°C with little or no oxygen. This process creates porous particles that are 90% carbon, which was originally bound in the plants and is now stored in the biochar.

According to experts, the use of biochar for carbon sequestration makes an important contribution to meeting the 1.5°C Paris Agreement, as it can store carbon for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.


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Trinkbornstraße 15-17
56281 Dörth
Telefon: +49 (6747) 95388-0
Telefax: +49 (6747) 95388-19

Henriette zu Dohna
Leitung Presse & PR
E-Mail: h.dohna@pyreg.com
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