Modern Enterprise NVMe U.2 SSD Storage Solutions

BRESSNER Technology GmbH, a leading provider of industrial IT and system solutions, is expanding its storage portfolio with the newly available ATP Industrial Enterprise PCIe® Gen4 NVMe U.2 SSDs. These high-performance, highly reliable solid-state drives from partner ATP Electronics are specifically designed for demanding edge and enterprise environments, meeting the highest standards for speed, durability, and longevity.

In an increasingly connected industrial world where real-time processing happens at the network edge, robust, high-performance storage is critical. The ATP NVMe U.2 SSDs combine the resilience of industrial-grade hardware with the performance of modern enterprise storage – making them ideal for data-heavy applications such as edge computing, Industry 4.0, AI systems, and smart manufacturing.

With an outstanding endurance rating of up to 5 DWPD (Drive Writes Per Day) and low latency (QoS), these SSDs deliver consistent performance even under intense workloads. Their reliable operation across a wide industrial temperature range makes them perfect for environments with significant thermal fluctuations.

An integrated, MCU-based Level 4 Power Loss Protection system safeguards data even during sudden power outages. An ultra-low bit error rate (UBER) of less than 1 in 10^17 ensures maximum data integrity and long-term reliability – essential for mission-critical applications.

Available in U.2, M.2, and E1.S form factors, the ATP SSDs offer flexibility for a range of system architectures. Various capacity and performance options allow for optimal adaptation to specific deployment needs.

Thanks to advanced thermal management and specially developed ATP firmware, temperature and performance remain stable even during continuous operation. Whether used as a boot drive, mass storage, or high-speed cache, these SSDs provide maximum efficiency and durability in industrial settings.

The ATP Industrial Enterprise PCIe® Gen4 NVMe SSDs are now available through BRESSNER Technology. More information on form factors, capacities, and use cases can be found on the company’s website at

Über die Bressner Technology GmbH

As a system integrator, manufacturer, value-added distributor, and solution provider for industrial hardware, components, accessories, and built-to-order systems, BRESSNER offers a broad portfolio for various industrial applications. The company delivers customized solutions for machine automation, logistics & transportation, and manufacturing, along with extensive services in areas such as AI applications, machine/deep learning, networking, intelligent retail, communication, and security. BRESSNER is headquartered in Germany, while its parent company One Stop Systems is based in the United States.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Bressner Technology GmbH
Industriestraße 51
82194 Gröbenzell
Telefon: +49 (8142) 47284-0
Telefax: +49 (8142) 47284-77

Robert Knorr
Pressekontakt / Marketing Lead
Telefon: +49 (8142) 47284-53
Maximilian Kopp
Account Manager
Telefon: +49 8142 4728431
Athanasios Koutsouridis
Pressekontakt / Content Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (8142) 47284-52
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