Relaunch of Omikron heavy-duty castors – 160 variants for maximum flexibility

With the relaunch of the Omikron family, TENTE presents an optimised series of heavy-duty castors that make transporting the heaviest loads even safer and more efficient. The new variants set the standard in load capacity, maneuverability and adaptability – even under extreme conditions.

Innovation for extreme demands

Omikron heavy-duty castors are designed to withstand the highest loads. With a load capacity of up to 15,000 kg per castor in the standard program (>15,000 kg/castor on enquiry), they are ideal for demanding applications in logistics, mining, mechanical engineering and the wind power industry.

In addition to the impressive load-carrying capacity, the further development of the series particularly focused on the safe and effortless movement of heavy loads. The optimized Omikron series impresses with:

  • Robust housing: Solid steel and high-quality galvanizing ensure long life expectancy and extreme durability.
  • Optimised swivel bearing: High-quality materials guarantee the best pivoting properties even under high loads.
  • New locking options: Optional with kick pedal or hand lever for secure castor fixation.
  • Directional lock: Optionally retrofittable directional locks for even more flexibility.

160 variants for maximum adaptability

With the relaunch of the Omikron family, TENTE expands the standard program to 160 variants in a modular system. The new models not only offer an improved selection of wheel diameters and types, but also innovative combinations of mounting plates and housing variants. The result: Heavy-duty castors that can be optimally adapted to any transport requirement and any surface.

Benefits of the new Omikron series at a glance:

  • Maximum load capacity: Single-wheel castors with up to 9,000 kg load capacity, twin-wheel castors with up to 15,000 kg (on enquiry a load capacity of >15,000 kg/castor is possible).
  • Advanced locking features: With wheel and directional locks for maximum safety.
  • Flexible modular system: Multiple configuration options for individual requirements.
  • Low-noise and floor-friendly solutions: New wheel types for more comfort and efficiency.
  • Upgradeable safety features: Optionally with additional foot guards.

Optimal solution for demanding transport tasks

Whether in industrial, heavy-duty transportation or specialty applications, Omikron heavy-duty castors provide maximum safety and efficiency. Thanks to their modular design, they can be customised to meet customer needs to ensure the highest performance even under extreme conditions.

Über die TENTE International GmbH

TENTE International is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality castors and wheels. Since its founding in 1923, the company has continued to grow and develop and is now represented on five continents. With innovative ideas, perfected products, and customised solutions, TENTE sets the standard in the industry. Our products are used in a wide range of sectors, including medicine, industry, furniture, and transportation. TENTE is synonymous with quality, reliability, and sustainable production. Our aim is to improve the lives of our customers through better mobility. For more information, please visit our website at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

TENTE International GmbH
Herrlinghausen 71 – Campus
42929 Wermelskirchen
Telefon: +49 (2196) 99-0

Daniela Maschmann
Content Manager
Marius Janotta
Product Manager
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