Reuters Events Announces: Rebecca Reinermann Included on ‘Trailblazing Women 2025’ List

Rebecca Reinermann, Vice President Marketing at Opel and Vauxhall, has been included on the list of ‘Trailblazing Women 2025’. To mark International Women’s Day on March 8, the international event company Reuters Events compiles a list of “inspiring and influential women in business” around the globe who deliver “outstanding contributions to our industry and are dedicated to driving positive change”. This year, Rebecca Reinermann, who is driving the Opel and Vauxhall marketing activities by following the principle of better performance through diverse teams, has been included in the line-up. The ‘Trailblazing Women’ are composed of a large number of nominees in a total of ten economic sectors, including ‘Automotive’ and ‘Marketing’, by those responsible for Reuters Events and other well-known industry representatives.

"Rebecca and her team have brought a breath of fresh air to our marketing activities – it is not for nothing that she already received the ‚Rising Star 2024‘. Full of verve and with a firm compass, she contributes to an open, diverse and modern public image of the company – and is thus rightly a ‚Trailblazing Woman 2025‘," said Ralph Wangemann, Managing Director Human Resources and Labour Director Opel Automobile GmbH.

"Being part of the ‚Trailblazing Women 2025‘ is a great honour and I am very happy that our brand and our work is being recognised. We are not interested in showcasing representative diversity, but in contributing to the success of the company with the best-positioned team. This is what we focus on at Opel, because reflecting the diversity of society internally is an important factor for success with our customers," emphasised Rebecca Reinermann.

This is already shown by various internal diversity programmes that ensure that all customer needs are included in the development of the vehicles. This is also visible from the outside – as with ‘GRAND Minds’.

The innovative Opel advertising campaigns, which are created under the direction of Rebecca Reinermann, also attract plenty of attention. How fresh and unconventional they appeal to the broad audience across all media has been shown, among other things, by the successful and multi-award-winning ‘Yes, of Corsa’ campaign.

Diversity also applies to the ADAC Opel Electric Rally Cup "powered by GSe". The world’s first and to date only all-electric rally one-make cup stands for pure driving pleasure. Last season, teams from eight nations competed for the points, including a total of eight female drivers. The diversity of the field made the sensational competition even more exciting and resulted in great interest from across Europe. "And when the ADAC Opel Electric Rally Cup starts its fifth season in a few weeks, there will certainly be some strong women at the front again," said Rebecca Reinermann.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Opel Automobile GmbH
65423 Rüsselsheim
Telefon: +49 (6142) 7-70
Telefax: +49 (6142) 77-8409

Franziska Queling
Telefon: +49 (170) 2269306
Harald Schmidt
Assistant Manager Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (6142) 69-23737
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