Sitka Gold: First drill hole 2025 shows 130 instances of visible gold!

In 2024, Sitka Gold (WKN A2JG70 / TSXV SIG) intersected a massive 678.1 meters averaging 1.04 grams of gold per tonne in hole 68 at the Blackjack gold deposit, 93 meters of which even returned 2.57 grams of gold per tonne! With the first drill hole of the 30,000-metre drill program in 2025 (DDRCCC-25-075), Sitka wanted to test both the vertical and horizontal extent of this high-grade mineralization – and now reports that no less than 130 instances of visible gold were observed in the drill cores obtained!

This hole, 715.97 meters long, is one of the longest holes Sitka has drilled at Blackjack to date. After an initial review of the drill core, geologists are now convinced that strong gold mineralization extends at least 70 metres to the northeast from hole 68. As Sitka’s CEO Cor Coe explains, the increasing grades from hole 68 at depth already indicated that the drilling was vectoring in on the source of the impressive gold system.

Learn more now:

Sitka Gold: First drill hole 2025 shows 130 instances of visible gold!


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