CCM receives „Employer of the Future“ Award for the second time

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CCM has received many awards for the outstanding quality of the technology which we offer. This highly prestigious award recognises the highly innovative business model that we bring to market.
Sustainability and quality as an employer – for this, companies are awarded the "Employer of the Future" prize by the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation (DIND). The initiative is supported by the former Federal Minister of Economics Brigitte Zypries. The award helps companies position themselves in the "war for talents" in order to attract and retain young talent despite a shortage of skilled workers. The DIND examines companies for their innovative strength, the status of digital transformation, employee friendliness, modern leadership and recruiting strategies. For example, flat hierarchies, flexible remuneration models or employee benefits are included in a holistic picture that is created using an evaluation matrix developed together with experts from business and science. The awards were presented for the first time this year at the fair Digital X in Cologne.
The German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation (DIND) supports companies in becoming fit for the future. To this end, DIND cooperates with experts from business, science and politics, conducts studies on behalf of partners and examines companies for important aspects of their future viability. Examples of successful transformation are intended to give important impulses to the economy. DIND awards are a valuable communication tool for companies. They help to find suitable partners and employees to become even more innovative, sustainable and digital.
Die CCM GmbH aus Overath bei Köln entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet "Liquid Glass Versigelungen" und vertreibt diese weltweit mit einem Exportanteil von 94% (in über 80 Länder).
Dabei produziert CCM vor allem die Eigenmarken seiner Kunden ("Private Label").
CCM bedient eine Nische, in der es nur wenige Anbieter am Markt gibt und der ein enormes Wachstumspotential voraus gesagt wird.
Die Produktion befindet sich an drei Standorten in Deutschland, die zentrale Verwaltung und Logistik ist in Overath. Ein weiteres Vertriebsbüro befindet sich in Cornwall / England.
Unter dem Slogan "High Technology – Made in Germany" setzt die CCM GmbH ihren Schwerpunkt darauf, alle chemischen Komponenten in Deutschland zu beziehen.
Die Firma wurde 2006 von den Geschäftsführern Heiner Perk und Bernd Zimmermann gegründet und ist heute einer der Marktführer in ihrem Bereich.
Alle Produktgruppen:
Liquid Glass Versiegelungen
Desinfektionsprodukte mit Langzeit-Effekt
Private Label Sonderanfertigungen
Diepenbroich 8
51491 Overath
Telefon: +49 (0) 2206 938590-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2206 938590-99